
We all know that one of the main hurdles any turntable manufacturer has to address ( I wanted to say overcome but that's nearly impossible in a design with a mechanical bearing) is isolating the bearing vibration from reaching a record.
There is also another issue....that is the very act of playing a record. The stylus/cantilever vibrates quite a lot. The easiest way to address these two issues is with an (effective) mat.

I've owned many mats over the years and while some are very good in a specific area regarding SQ, they often don't address the entire range of musical playback. I believe MyMat does without any negative drawbacks.

MyMat is a flexible, 1mm thick material with hundreds of tiny "pimples" (inverted dimples) that support the lp and provide a degree of decoupling from the platter/bearing. I wanted to make a mat that was as thin as possible so as to not cause huge changes in the end users' VTA adjustment.

I used my two turntables for MyMat development. A VPI Classic 3 Sig SE (aluminum platter), Townshend Rock 7 (plastic platter). Over the three years I've used MyMat, I had equal success with both designs. I developed the MyMat with the thought in mind of just using one. I've recently found the two actually clean up things even more. With records that have a lot of low bass info, that can sound jumbled, using two really cleans this up allowing you to discern all of that info and become more musically involved.

With my Rock 7 which has a big recess in its' platter center, in order to use a weight, I bought an Achromat 5mm. This mat increased  sonics nicely. Then I tried one MyMat under the Achromat for another noticeable improvement. Any reasonably playable warped record will sound better on one MyMat without a weight. I think a weight increases the definition by a noticeable margin. I use a Stillpoint LP-1 and a modified VPI SS weight.

I'm not a proponent of clamps, because through my listening and logic, I hear a darkening of the sound and also feel that you're re-connecting to the bearing.

I'm using US Audio Mart for advertising if anyone is interested.

Happy Listening!
Steve, by saying the offer was available to all, I meant in the sense that you offer a money-back guarantee on the My Mat. At least, I think you do. Correct me if I'm wrong ;-) .
Hey brother, if you don’t like it, within 30 days, send it back in original condition/packaging and we are good to go!
@bdp24 ,

Your post reminded me that I have not received any negative feedback from my customers so far. In fact, I had one repeat customer.

Maybe, hopefully, that customer will post?

Review of MyMat

I read about the MyMat on the ‘What’s on your turntable tonight?’ thread and decided to give one a try to see if I could improve on my existing setup.  This is a summary of the process I went through in evaluating the MyMat. 

My setup:

Technics  SL-1200GR with

    - AT VM760SLC MM cartridge

    - KAB Poly-Glass mat

    - Standard Technics Turntable Mat (RGS0008)

Parasound JC3 Jr Phono Preamp

Benchmark DAC3 HGC (using as a preamp as well)

First Watt J2 Amp

Spatial Audio M3 Triode Master speakers

I corresponded with Steve (slaw) and we agreed on a MyMat with a 4 inch cut-out to accommodate the record label.

I removed the Technics Mat and placed the MyMat directly on top of the KAB Poly-Glass mat and adjusted the VTA.

I played music that I was very familiar with and immediately noticed improved clarity in both the mids and highs.    I told Steve that music was more ‘airy’ (my term).

Steve had suggested that further improvement was possible with two MyMats.  Liking what I was hearing,  I decided to try a second MyMat with just a hole for the spindle to be placed under the original MyMat.

I added the second MyMat again adjusting the VTA but did not really notice a difference.    Steve reached out to me to get some feedback on the second MyMat and I told him I did not hear any difference.  Steve let me know that he wanted to work with me to make sure I was completely satisfied and that I should hear improvement with the second mat.  

We exchanged several emails and spoke on the phone and he suggested placing the second MyMat under the KAB Poly-Glass mat and the original on top of the KAB Poly-Glass mat.

I decided to compare all of the options using music that I like and am familiar with.  I used the song ‘Wildflowers’ from the Wailin’ Jennys album Fifteen. This song has beautiful harmonizing of the girls’ voices as well as some good bass.

As a baseline, I went back to the KAB Poly-Glass mat with the standard Technics mat and listened to the song.  After listening, I went through the following iterations and listened to this song three more times, adjusting the VTA for each change.

  1. Place the single MyMat with the record label cutout on the KAB Poly-Glass mat.
  2. Place the second MyMat under the original MyMat.
  3. Place the second MyMat under the KAB Poly-Glass mat and leave the original MyMat on top of KAB Poly-Glass mat.

My initial opinion was confirmed in that I preferred the MyMat to the standard Technics mat and that there was not much difference between 1 and 2.   However, the third option was a definite improvement over both 1 and 2.  There was a slight improvement in the clarity of the mids and highs but additionally I noticed improvement in bass response.  The bass was tighter with the second MyMat.

I listened to 3 other songs with option 3 just to make sure of my initial assessment - Van Morrison - Wild Night,  Still-Young Band - Long May You Run and Joe Jackson - Steppin’ Out. I liked what I heard for all 3.

The MyMats are keepers for me and I appreciate the time that Steve spent with me to ensure he has a happy customer.