Neotech NC-P313 vs. Furutech FI-28 Plugs

I am going to be constructing a power cable and wanted some advice. I had Wattgate standard power connectors on my power cable and they didn't sound too good. I upgraded them with cheap Sonarquest pure copper plugs (at least that's what they say they are), and the positive effect of these plugs was instant and profound! 

Having the Sonarquest plugs make such a HUGE positive difference, I was wondering if upgrading to a Neotech or Furutech would be worthwhile, since they are better made than the $11 Sonarquest plugs? I am trying to decide between these 2 models of plug. I ALSO, wanted to know if the FI-28 is the same as the FI-46, but with a different body?

If anyone can help me with this, who has tried any of these plugs, that would be great!
I can help, but really help, not with what you want but with what you need. Which is, don't waste your time and money trying to build a power cord. Or interconnect. Or speaker cable. There are things in audio its worth doing yourself. Lots of things. These are not the droids you're looking for.
It’s hard to say if the Neotech/Furutech offerings are going to be better than the Sonarquest. I haven’t use Sonarquest, but in all my testing
it really comes down to the metal material used and the plating. Both Neotech and Furutech have excellent offerings. The build quality on the Furutech is a step above (in my opinion). I have used both.

The Furutech gold-plated connectors really give a warm full sound (they really warm up the sound and soften the highs). The Neotech gold-plated do not warm the sound as much - there is more attach on the Neotech gold-plated.

The Furutech rhodium plated are probably the best because they do a heavy/thick plating of the rhodium. These are about the best plugs you can get, in my opinion. Very clean tight bass and excellent high frequency resolution and attack. You can expect a very long 250-300 hour burn-in on this rhodium.

One thing that Furutech does differently than other manufactures is that the screws that hold the body and strain relief clamp are connected to the GROUND conductor (to help with eddy and static). Most of their plugs have this feature except the lower models (such as FI-11 or FI-15 basic)

The FI-28 and FI-46 are similar, but the more expensive 46 and 50 NCF models use different bodies that are design to reduce electrical resonance and physical vibration.
a note on Wattgate.  These are decent bargain plugs, but they are made from brass which imparts a harsher tone.  I found that Wattgate brass tends to "push too hard" on the voltage and the sound becomes too forward and bright and harsh (in a way).  The Furutech gold/rhodium or Neotech do not have this problem (they are pure copper with plating).
I own both the Furutech Fi28R and the 50NCF, and also the Wattgate plugs. The Furutech are definitely a step up, but they may not be a better solution to your particular needs. The Furutech tend to clamp harder on, or into, the outlets than the Wattgate's...which IME can also lead to problems.
Nonetheless, the Furutech are a nice upgrade and as posted above, the Fi28-R's are an exceptional plug...the rhodium plating really gives great neutrality. Not quite as extended as the NCF-50's...but excellent regardless.
Hi guys, thanks for your input! The Wattgate plugs, as you guys have said do sound harsh and unnatural. 

I am leaning towards getting the FI-46(Gold) or 48 (Rhodium or Silver), due to the NCF treatment. Which one would be the most neutral?? I know the previous poster said that the Furutech gold treatment significantly warms up the sound. 

I am still contemplating getting the Neotech plugs, because of the price difference.