Phono Preamp Tube Rush

Is there such a thing as a tube phono stage that doesn't have tube rush? Is it just an inherent weakness of that type of pre or is it some combination of cartridge gain and preamp gain? I went from a silent solid state ASR Basis Exclusive to a Herron VTPH-2A (new home with space limitations) and now I'm using a Hagerman Trumpet with my Decca London Super Gold. Both the Herron and Hagerman have tube rush. The Hagerman beats the Herron in my setup and it really sounds incredible but in quiet passages and between songs, there's that hiss at high-medium and high volume. It's just there. No combination of new tubes, new cables, etc changes this fact. Same with the Herron. Anyone having a different experience with a tube phono preamp?
So curiosity got the best of me and I decided to try replacing the original EH 12AX7 1st gain stage tubes in my Herron VTPHA2A just to see if I could reduce the noise floor a tad.  I went with Gold Lion reissue ECC83/12AX7 tubes from Upscale Audio - ordering the quietest option they provide.  My expectations for improvement (over an already gorgeous sonic presentation in Keith's stock tubes) weren't particularly high but I was pleasantly surprised when I immediately realized a notable difference.  Tube rush, and still only at very high volumes, was reduced probably a few dB but even more surprisingly the sound character changed for the better as well - the Gold Lions delivering a very smooth, more richly dynamic presentation that's been improving further over the 10-12 hrs I have on them now.  Just thought I'd share the experience with anyone interested.
That's great news about the Gold Lions. Now that you know that you can improve the VTPH-2a with different tubes, It may be a interesting  experiment to grab a pair of smooth plate Telefunkens from ebay and see if the improvement in sound quality is worth the extra noise. It was for me. In my VTPH-2a, they just did a better job of presenting the music, more soundstage depth, more of a feeling of hands on instruments, truer vocals. Still great dynamics. But a little more noise. 
three-easy, I would expect that different persons would get different results, if each person were to replace the stock tubes with the aftermarket brand you selected, because to a great extent it depends upon the pre-existing condition of the tubes being replaced.  Could it be that your stock tubes were a bit long in the tooth?
I think it's more about what sound you want than tubes that are worn out. Right out of the box, different tubes make the VTSP-2a sound different, even better in my opinion. Others may be just fine with the stock tube sound. It's a matter of personal taste and also how much time and money you want to invest in listening tests with other tubes.