Actually it kind of depends. I had posted in another thread that my SB3 into Benchmark dac was not improved with the DIP 48/96 upsampler. I figured the Benchmark upsampled itself and the extra step not necessary (and cost, and cables, though I had one sitting around so no real investment). When I upgraded the Benchmark to the Berkeley, I tried the DIP 48/96 again and it was an obvious improvement. Soundstage became wider and deeper, more, much more, resolution. (it truly was night and day). I figured the Berkeley didn't upsample and the readout on the berkeley went from 44.1 to 96, not a bad thing as it was now being fed a 96k signal. I liked it so much that I upgraded the SB3 to the Touch, and then, a month later, the DIP to the Combo. Again, an improvement, probably due to the clock in the Combo. I think any improvement the DIP may afford is dependent on the dac it is going into; if the dac upsamples, the upsampler should probbaly not make an improvement, though I would be interested to see what Ozzy's experience may have been with the Combo.