Looking for recommendations for a 'warm' sounding DAC

Would anyone know of a warm sounding DAC, budget to £2500/$3000 new or used. My ears don’t like a crisp and clinical sound, I find that Chord/dcs/Topping sound painful if loud. I know many love those crisp leading edges that these deliver but that sound does not synergise with my amp/speakers nor my sensitive ears. I know the easiest way to achieve this would be to switch speakers to a mellow speaker but this option is not available.
Any suggestions would be welcome.
I wanted that same "non-clinical" sound and found it with my Aesthetix Romulus (it's the DAC+CD model). I bought a Signature version and after about a year, decided to roll the stock (ElectroHarmonix) tubes. Now with Amperex BB 12AX7's and Telefunken 7308's (replacing the 6922's) and upgrading the Sig to Eclipse, I have (for my ears) a very detailed, but airy ("non-grating") high-end. I recommend you take a serious look/listen at the Romulus (or DAC-only Pandora) and as with any tube gear, fine tune the sound to your ears with the tubes  

Very interesting DAC test. No testing methodology is perfect but that is a very credible comparison - especially considering that the votes were closer on the finalists.

Is there a list available of how all the DACs ranked? I would be curious which PS Audio model you tested and how it performed.
@duckworp - Have you considered a tube buffer? I have a Black Ice/Jolida Foz SS-X which I use in my desktop system and it's a great little unit. It acts as a tube buffer, bass enhancer, and sound stage expander. The bass and soundstage effects are completely adjustable. It could be an inexpensive way to solve your problem.
@gadios - Never mind, I found it. Did you ever address the issue of using optical connections for the DAC test?
Aqua La Voce S3 would be a great choice, it sounds nothing like the Chord or most delta-sigma DACs, you can listen to it for hours (and hours, and hours) with no fatigue at all, actually you'll find it hard to switch it off.