Wells Audio Majestic (no HT Bypass) vs. Integrated w/ HT Bypass - Help!

I'm looking to add a 2 channel amp to my AVR setup. I have a Cambridge Audio 651r. It has pre out for the L and R, so I can connect an external amp. Here is my dilemma. I can get a Wells Audio Majestic for 1700, and all of the reviews say it would be an amazing amp for 2 channel stereo.  However, it doesn't have HT bypass.  Would I be better off buying an integrated amp with HT bypass for a similar price but maybe compromise a little on 2 channel stereo?  Would there be a huge difference in sound between an integrated with HT bypass at 1500 dollars vs. the Wells Majestic that retails for 3600 or is it diminishing returns? The reviews I've read say the Wells is amazing sounding. Thanks in advance. 
You don’t need a HT bypass — it’s just a convenience.  Hook the front L/R preamp outs from the AVR into an unused input on the integrated, set the volume knob on the integrated to the 12:00 position and set the channel balance as usual with the AVR.  Every time you switch to HT mode just turn the volume knob on the integrated amp to 12:00 and you’re good to go.  Personally I wouldn’t put the convenience of a HT bypass over sound quality and preferences because the workaround is so easy, but that’s me.  Best of luck. 
Um, no, do not use AVR pre-out. It will work. But it will be sending the signal through the worst component you have (AVR) into the best.

What you will find is the sound with that integrated (either one, ANY integrated!) is so much better than AVR you will migrate away from HT entirely. What I did. Long ago.

What you do, for the best sound:
Connect your sources directly into the integrated. Connect your stereo speakers to the integrated.

Notice the Majestic has fixed outs? Connect that to your AVR. This way you will be running clean signal to the integrated, and using the AVR for surround only.

It will be a bit of a hassle with movies but only if you are anal about your surround volume. I ran just like this for quite a while using two separate amps until I realized its just not worth it. Surround, I mean. Once you get used to how good stereo with a proper integrated sounds you will probably come to the same conclusion.

Anyway, usually people tend to watch movies about the same volume all the time. Set the AVR for that. You'll still be able to adjust the main volume on the integrated. Try it and see.
Oops.  Forgot to mention in my prior post that, as @millercarbon stated, you’d now connect your primary stereo sources directly to the integrated rather than the AVR.  So basically the AVR is totally out of the playback chain unless you’re using HT.  Apologies for any confusion.