Skip the phono. It costs too much for the rewards. Don't buy a crappy system and waste your money tweaking the hell out of it. For your budget, it would be hard to beat old B&W 802's, either Series II or III, preferably the latter. The Bryston amp is wonderful. I slightly prefer my Audire over my Bryston, but Audire is extrinct, and you are looking at an ST version, redesigned by Stuart Taylor. He did a lot for several companies, including the Adcom 555, which if put to the specs he actually designed, before the accountants neutered it, was great.
Get a good preamp. I would recommend an Audire, but not anything you will ever see, because the much praised Legato is a bit weak in the power supply, and does not have the impact of the Diffet 3 or 5 or the Andante. The two is pretty good, but also rare. I have had most of these and settled on two 3's, after I missed an Andante. Try to find a really good CD player and tuner. Go to to learn about these. I tried many over the years, and their listening tests are spot on. I would suggest that a Sansui TU707/717 as a minimum for both listening and playing with. If you want to just set some stations and listen, the B&K TS107. It sounds so good that I have to use my Audire Diffet 3 to tell that it sounds different from my Monster Kenwood KT-917 I bought in 1979. My Diffet 2 does not bring out the difference. Sadly, the B&K is better than the 17 in the lower bass, but only on a really good recording. If you decide to go for a TT, I do have one to sell, as well as a couple of extra arms, but I recommend you save your money for the rest of the system. Unfortunately, i am a bit ignorant on current pre-amps that are within you budget, But I would get a Bryston to match your amp. $1700 amp; $800 preamp; $400 tuner; $!500 B&W's; and you have money for a good CD player and, if you wish, a streamer.
Get a good preamp. I would recommend an Audire, but not anything you will ever see, because the much praised Legato is a bit weak in the power supply, and does not have the impact of the Diffet 3 or 5 or the Andante. The two is pretty good, but also rare. I have had most of these and settled on two 3's, after I missed an Andante. Try to find a really good CD player and tuner. Go to to learn about these. I tried many over the years, and their listening tests are spot on. I would suggest that a Sansui TU707/717 as a minimum for both listening and playing with. If you want to just set some stations and listen, the B&K TS107. It sounds so good that I have to use my Audire Diffet 3 to tell that it sounds different from my Monster Kenwood KT-917 I bought in 1979. My Diffet 2 does not bring out the difference. Sadly, the B&K is better than the 17 in the lower bass, but only on a really good recording. If you decide to go for a TT, I do have one to sell, as well as a couple of extra arms, but I recommend you save your money for the rest of the system. Unfortunately, i am a bit ignorant on current pre-amps that are within you budget, But I would get a Bryston to match your amp. $1700 amp; $800 preamp; $400 tuner; $!500 B&W's; and you have money for a good CD player and, if you wish, a streamer.