Best DAC - Preamp Combo $5 to $10K Budget

I'm waiting for the day my Levinson 380S bites the dust like my Chord DAC 64 just did.  Both of them are/were 15 to 20 years old with heavy use.  Anyway, is there a really reference level DAC - Preamp combination out there for from $5K to $10K?  Thanks in advance!
I would suggest looking into the Chord TT2 and Dave. They are both excellent. If you can stretch a bit I strongly suggest the dCS Bartok. I owned the TT2 and auditioned the Dave and found that the I preferred the Bartok to both of them. It also has a built in network streamer. 
How about a used Bricasti M12. There was one recently that sold for below the 10k mark here on Agon was only on here for a few days and sold. I heard it at Axpona and was mighty impressed.
I'm leaning toward the Chord Dave but it does not have MQA.  Will I be missing something significant?

Also looking at the Mytek Manhattan II.  Unfortunately I live in the mountains of Wyoming and comparison shopping is not available.  Does anyone have experience with the Mytek and the Chord?