What just happened to accepting Paypal?? looks like they are trying to drive us away

i may have over reacted... for some reason PayPal wants to drive me into a business account. Looks like the fees are the same so not sure what that is all about, I'm just suspicious by nature

If you switch to a business account which is pretty easy you get a merchant ID, enter it here, and move on. If you don't want to do that then they make it very complicated to fill out forms, etc. I gave up and switched to business, made up a bogus business name and am moving on...
another vote against A'gon....and I am not sure I agree with others who blame Paypal..... While there maybe something that paypal is driving at....I  don't believe A'gon is just an innocent bystander.
I can still use Paypal on US Audiomart and many other trading websites without all that nonsense of declaring myself a business....so clearly somehow the explanation given here by the Admin, doesn't reflect the reality on many other websites.
The fact that I can't even list an item for sale here now, unless I accept Swipe or register as a Business with paypal is the major issue for me and a reason I will NOT post anything for sale anymore here.
I am now posting on US Audiomart and posting at ebay.
Ebay has its crazy fees but at least I can post there for free  and without any prerequisites and then deal with a buyer when I find one.
True - A'gon has been the most successful and has attracted the biggest audience but I believe this will change now....soon there will be fewer and fewer private sellers and more dealers.

But after all that rant - everyone can run their business the way they want...so I will just take mine elsewhere.. I do want to thank them for great past and helping me find good deals... no hard feelings...
Hope you will reverse your policy......till then.
I made my first purchase on Audiogon today and was and still am confused and bothered by the transaction. I wrongly assumed I could use PayPal for the purchase, but there wasn’t any option to do that. I saw that I had to pay by credit card, I had no problem with that. I provided my credit card information on the AG web site and the sale went through. Now I find out that some company by the name of Stripe has my credit card and personal information. I was not made aware of that. Also, AG is claiming I paid the seller directly. I did not. The only company that received my info was Audiogon. AG is getting a financial incentive to drive this business to Stripe in my opinion. 
Post removed 
So in the case of @jdt1 can we assume Stripe was the credit card processor for the seller?  Odd that information wouldn't have been disclosed.  I would hope that Stripe would be authorized to keep @jd1's "credit card and personal information" on-file, unless he actually signed up for a Stripe account.    
I recently made three rather large transactions as a seller on USAM and all three were excellent.  In two of the transactions, I was thankful to be able to arrange hand-delivery of the equipment and especially my two very heavy (95 lb) monoblock amplifiers.  In the other case, payment as usual through PayPal went very smooth.  Reminded me of how things used to be here.