Best Integrated, period.

Has anyone compared, Gryphon Diablo, Gamut Di150, Vitus SS101, Krell FBI, APL UA-S1 Jeff Rowland Continuum 500? Please add what you found to be best integrated.
A friend has an ARS Emitter I Exclusive which is also quite good. Not the typical German hifi, all strident and bright. I would not call it lush, but rather extremely neutral. It's almost certainly more transparent than is my INT-150 which tends towards warmth and less than rock solid bass grip (OK, I like less than rock solid bass grip as that ripens the bass a bit, which I find appealing)
Roxy54, No, I have not auditioned the Agostino intergrated, what I am about to tell you is out there weird!, I have listened to the Agostino equipment, Vitus, Roland, etc... you get the picture, are you ready to laugh, of all things on youtube!, I cannot understand as to why all this equipment does sound different on youtube Hugely!, The Agostino equipment floored me with the resolution, warmth, smooth,effortless huge sound stage as presented on the video.
Good choice Oblgny. Had my Rogue Cronus Magnum for 5 years and it's not going anywhere.

Great amp, company and personnel. Experiment with some tube rolling on the 12au7 and 12ax7's. Mark and Nick can give some good suggestions and I've had great luck with Kevin Deal at Upscale. Currently running a Mazda Cifte 12au7 in the center pre-amp position flanked by 2 La Radio Technique 12au7's. Sounds incredible!
Luxman l-550ax, 25 watts class a power is the most complete I've had to date after having classe, sonic frontiers, musical fidelity, and many others over the years. I've heard it with lots of different speakers as well and it continuously impresses. I'm using it with efficient living voice speakers and I've been happier and more satisfied with this system than any other in 30 years in this hobby. It also has a great headphone output and phono stage that I would say is equivalent to many of the $1000-$2000 phono stages.