I will add that one of the reasons that panels, such as the Kingsound King III electrostatic I reviewed for Dagogo.com, are so popular is that they can capture some of the immensity and openness of huge speakers. It’s a much more affordable way to go; one does not need to spend $80K to get some of the attributes of "effortlessness", but some will be sacrificed, such as macrodynamics. No way a panel will come close to the impact of such dynamic hybrid speakers. Not even close. Subs would be mandatory. That is why I pair the Legacy Audio XTREME XD Subs (also reviewed) with the King III to capture some of what is lost when moving to a panel. :)
Simply put, "effortlessness" is on a spectrum, like all other parameters of performance. It's not an end point, but a very widely experienced phenomenon that is open-ended.
Simply put, "effortlessness" is on a spectrum, like all other parameters of performance. It's not an end point, but a very widely experienced phenomenon that is open-ended.