best low priced bookshelf speakers

My son-in-law is looking for a set of under $200 bookshelf speakers for his outlaw audio r2250 receiver. Any suggestions?  I have an old NHT sub zero subwoofer for him but no speakers.
Build a pair of the HiVi DIY 2.2A together. 
Use a veneer instead of the vinyl wrap. 

I'd match it up with a pair of used NHT 1.5's... Usually around $99-150 on ebay etc...

I somehow became kind of an NHT bargain bookshelf hoarder, now owning C-1, Superone 2.1 and Absolute Zero.
I don’t really love any of them but for two of my systems I need sealed bookshelves (cabinet and table near wall) and not many companies make sealed bookshelves (rather, most bookshelves have ports).
I rank them C-1, Abs zero, superone2.1 for blues/jazz music that I mainly listen to (although in fairness have very little time on 2.1’s so far). Ymmv

c-1 can sometimes go for about $350 new on Amazon