Suggestions for a top flight streamer/Dac around the $2000 mark?

Time for another change and moving from my Ayre EX8 super integrated with built in streaming and dac to a BAT VK300SE integrated.
So looking to up the ante on streaming and dac sq with a dedicated streamer/dac.
I know this tech moves faster than I can keep track of!
So suggestions around the 2k mark and used is perfectly fine!
Many thanks!
That Matrix looks pretty nice. Not sure if it has dual toroidal power supply (didn’t see it in pics or specs) and ess vs ak personal preference I guess. Anyway, not here to argue but Dave keeps trolling me across threads.

OP asked for suggestions on $2k dac/streamers, so I gave my suggestion. 
I wasn’t arguing just tossing another possibility in the mix though it is a bit more expensive at $3k
Cool, sorry didn’t mean to imply you were.
The neatl thing about dacs/streamers is how rapidly they’re advancing. Good time to be digital music listener

Enjoy the music!!  I’m hoping to listen to my system about 8 hrs tonight til 3am!!
Good to know you are Feature First and not Sound Quality First audiophile. 

I have no interest in a unit that falls far short of my bar.

I do have a vested interest in calling out members who make fraudulent claims and who make claims they don't / can't back up.

Still waiting for you to show me something under $5k that has all those features the Teac does ...

Many mainstream receivers qualify. : )

Dude, so serious??  LOL!!  Chill out!  You must be a riot to have a beer with...