Schiit vs. Mytek vs. Chord - looking for some thoughts

Looking for some thoughts on the following DACs:
1. Schiit Bifrost 2 Multibit
2. Chord Qutest
3. Mytek Brooklyn DAC+
I’m mainly interested in RedBook and DSD hi-res playback. I’m not looking for sacrifices in redbook in favor of hi-res. 
Has anyone compared any combination of these side by side? What are the sonic characteristics of each and compared to others? What DAC would you choose and why?
Thanks in advance!

Two cents worth here.
Theo2's post is on target.
While I prefered the 'Sound' with both Incisive filters (White / Green) Qutest is not harsh. But exceedingly detailed!
The negative results reported could be because of more than one reason.
Good range of detail from Bass to top end.
Gear / Set: PC-Qutest-Valhalla 2, with both Dynamic / Planar Headsets Streaming HD on aZon.

So, I’m gonna muddy the waters a bit because it’s what I do.  Sorry in advance.  Given the characteristics you’re looking for my first impulse was to recommend a NOS R2R DAC, which I don’t believe is represented in your other wonderful contenders.  Two I’d recommend looking into would be the Metrum Onyx that offers a good bit of the top Pavane DAC in their stable thanks to a good bit of trickle-down tech, and the MHDT Orchid that is a tubed DAC and was well reviewed and bought by member @teajay — always the ultimate sign of a very high recommendation.  One limitation is they don’t speak DSD, so there’s that.  Not sure how MHDT handles demos, but you can buy the Onyx from Hifi Heaven and return it if it doesn’t work for you, which is nice.  Anyway, sorry again if I’m just making life harder for you, but it’s coming from a good place.  Best of luck. 
Thank you. I think I’m pretty much set on the Chord Qutest. It’s pretty versatile, should be a good fit with the rest of my gear. We’ll see...