Considering going back to Solid State

I have had and Audio Research REF5se now for a few years and love it. Let me be clear, I love the sound and am not wanting to trade back to SS for anything it does wrong. But I am wanting to simplify and get away from tubes and the heat and concern for hours, etc.

So I am seeking advice in the 10-15K range on solid state pre-amps that would be comparable in performance to what I now have. Considering the Ayre 5 series, SimAudio Moon, McIntosh as a few considerations. Which brings me to you, any experience that you have had making a similar comparison would be helpful.

The rest of the 2 channel side is a Mc402 Amp and Revel speakers, how ever in the next month I plan to either buy the Sopra 2's or the Sonus Olympica Nova III, all cardas wiring in case this helps.

Thank You in advance


No mention of your source ( s ). I went passive ( Luminous Audio Axiom II, Walker Mod, with remote, 3 in, 2 out ), and am listening to my cds and tuner in their full glory. Worth a try.
Mrdecibel, maybe that would have helped. My sources are RP10/Kleos/Linn Linto, Ayre C5xe-mp, Bluesound Node2 with Chord Cutest. Don't listen to CD's as much seems like streaming is so much easier.
Wait a second.... they make stereo equipment without tubes? Are you sure? Is that even technically possible?   I know they make tv’s now without tubes but a stereo.... that’s just crazy talk.

theo ..thanks for sharing.

As I read responses, I also thought of the possibility of a good passive preamp try.  Mine is a more budget 2 channel, however, I enjoyed the honesty of a Goldpoint SA4 before going to an all-in-one box NAD M2 solution some years ago.  Timbre is my priority and it gave that nicely.  I have a flush friend who enjoys the Luminous passive in his smaller system.  If your amp has enough headroom, could be a cost effective solution.  More Peace, Pin   
Hello Sir,l also ran a ARC 5se preamp for about 3 years or so.Power was from a set of REF 210 monos.Although I was happy with the sound,I was also tired of the heat,power consumption and tube replacement,I listen as much as I can.What the answer for me was,and the most balanced sounding stereo I have ever heard anywhere,home or store,was the Berning ZOTL pre 1 with Quadrature Z monos.Although you can't buy new,still around in the used market frequently.These drive Focal Scala Utopia V2 III with astonishing performance with both digital and analog.I did mis the ARC's hint of darkness at the very beginning,but the true tonality that the Berning's brought is truly addictive.I hope you find what your looking for before you go broke,Like me.  And PS,if you don't have any yet-try Stillpoints,worth every penny or ok,every hundred dollar bill.  Good luck John