Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!


Laughing. Conflict resolution and counseling. Not a college professor.

No fear of dischord- there are several forums where one can flame others until the end of time. Mediation is helpful for the Soul.

It makes me wonder why Steve can rate/test his power amp down to 1 ohm, but, Conrad Johnson solid state power amp(s) does not?

Good to see you again.

Happy Listening!

Laughing harder, that you actually *are* in conflict resolution and counseling without my knowing a thing about you!  Goes to show what I pick up on when my wife's a therapist, my neighbor a professional mediator, my father a (former) college professor...

Steve has been a 2-man show running SMC Audio for years since Conrad Johnson took over McCormack production for a few years before dropping it entirely.  So Steve's 'second' career is redesigning and optimizing his 'first career' mainstream amps to demanding customers (like me), and has all the test gear from a lifetime in the business.  I can't speak directly to C-J, but not many amp manufacturers see the relevance of 1 ohm specs, especially when there's nothing flattering about the power output into it for 95% of amps, especially a company whose foundation is tube amps.  All Steve McCormack's testing does is confirm his amps (or at least *my* SMC Audio amp) will remain fully stable into 1 ohm, not oscillate, melt, or blow up.  In fact, my tiny 'signature' box in the upper left is this amp...


I have always wanted to audition a McCormack power amp to determine its sonic signature in comparison to Conrad Johnson. There are a few McCormack/Thiel fans and owners over on Audio Asylum.

Steve has really made a name for himself post CJ employment.

Bill Thalmann has done the same, only,  from a repair/service business.

Happy Listening!

CS 3.7 alert-

check out the eBay listing for this loudspeaker in WA state.

Bird's Eye maple finish. Hope they find the next good home soon.

Happy Listening!

jafant, just a (looong) clarification.  Steve made a name among the tweakers post McCormack, but the company in its prime throughout the '90s and early-00s was substantial, offering moderately-priced well-engineered preamps, DACs, phono stages, etc. as well as power amps.  They were brilliantly designed, but brought to an affordable price point with modest chassis build and components.  Which is what makes the SMC upgrades so significant -- the basic design can really shine with top components and clever tweakage.

C-J took over manufacturing of the power amps in the late-90s with some consulting from Steve, but he had already started SMC Audio as his next gig.  The later amps built by C-J never had the same success as the earlier California-built amps.  My top-of-my-head chronology may be a little off, but that's the gist.

No overlap in the sonics between the two companies so far as I can tell.  McCormack amps are purely solid-state with a bit of the good characteristics of tubes baked-in to the design.  C-J has kept the classic tube sound more than other modern tube gear designs, but others here could evaluate that far better than me.  A C-J preamp + McCormack power amp would be a good pairing I'm sure; I use an upgraded Sonic Frontiers tubed preamp.