Would you donate a dollar to have these Members Review a Product?

So, I've been thinking that there are a number of hifi products that I would love to hear or, at least, reviewed by folks I know and respect.  I then thought what if a panel of fellow members each listened and reviewed the product.  

I'd pay money to read (or watch/hear) ericsquires, wolfgarcia, millercarbon, and georgehifi each receive the same amp, speaker, etc. and review it. 
But some do want to read reviews, and this is a shared space.

So it is possible to have a review area, which many forums have.

We are naturally clannish creatures in the underlying design of the physical, as colored glasses of mind and bodily venue can go... and it can be a double edged sword. Thus reviews can be about following the gourd or following the shoe, or considering reason..or none of the above.
No way. The last thing I want to do is read a review of a piece of equipment where the owner is biased towards it because he owns it or a friend owns it.  There are already a lot of reviews of equipment by well meaning audiophiles who do not know what they are talking about or hearing.