Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Prof - that was a great review EXCEPT that both John and Larry included the statement that they couldn't get the CS5 to sing. That product sold poorly and didn't pay back its R&D costs; Jim was discouraged and dropped the idea of deep sealed bass. By the way, Rob has retrofitted CS5s with dual inputs to raves from the customers. Taking the deep bass killer low impedance burden off the main amplifier solves tons of amp  issues. Also, I have imagined a physical solution to staggering the drivers on the baffle to eliminate the two bucket brigade delays on the upper and lower midrange circuits and thus radically simplifying the feed circuits for those critical drivers. At that time Jim was convinced that those custom styrene caps and high purity coils were sonically invisible. I have my doubts from my present-day perspective.

I wouldn't mind finding a CS5i pair for the hot-rod garage. 
Several thoughts, will try to parse a bit...

reminder I have a pair of 2.3+
Yes, Charlie at Ayre a brilliant designer and EE with ears, to wit his A to D converter ( and musical recordings) and DAC with listen and measure filters ( a fantastic poke in the eye to those obsessed with measuring the wrong things), yes his SS amps some of the best, TomT the old 100 watt amp very affordable used, getting long in tooth for sure but still quite musical 
On JA, just read any of his Vandersteen measurements from the 7 to Quatro to Kento ... and the power amps.... I have the same frustration with him, oh well
On high passing, it’s an unfair advantage.... try it some time.... but use a first order filter with  a Roger M designed Beveridge box

On Jim T’s room dimensions, great bit of history but frankly ( and Vandersteen s Room is even bigger ) why the developer must also include smaller rooms or EQ in the bass, but is is essential to use the larger more perfect room to push the limits !!!!!