Looking to get the best out of Redbook Cd listening with Dac a d Transport under 5K?

Hi guys! Ex Audiophile out of touch for many years now! Looking to purchase Dac and Transport to listen to my large Cd collection! Not sure where to go! Thanks Larry
For a transport/streamer I’d recommend an Innuos Zen Mini Mk3 with external power supply because it does four things that could be of benefit to you. It’s a very good streamer, has a built-in CD drive with internal storage, a transport, and a DAC all in one. So in theory (read on) it can do everything you’re looking for in one box and can be had new for $2000 with the external power supply that significantly improves performance so not really optional IMHO (although you could add it later).  With its CD drive and internal storage the Zen Mini makes it child’s play to rip all your CDs and have access to all of your music at your fingertips via the Innuos app. How nice would that be versus messing with a traditional CD transport with no ability to search, shuffle, or create your own playlists, not to mention having to get up to pick out and change CDs? But not only that, you’ll now also be able to stream from an online subscription service (I recommend Qobuz hi-res subscription for $15/mo. that I’m thrilled with) and have an almost unlimited selection of high-quality, new music also at your fingertips. As a recent streaming convert I’m finding so much awesome new (to me) music on Qobuz I can’t find time to play it all — a high quality problem that has me enjoying music more than I have in years, and I barely play my own CDs anymore.

So now you’ve got all your music along with a world of streamed music literally at your fingertips, and at this point you could then just hook the Zen’s analog output (using its internal DAC) to your preamp and be completely done. Couldn’t really be simpler. But at your budget I’d upgrade to a better DAC, if not immediately definitely down the road a little. Given your sound preferences and budget I’d recommend a used Bel Canto DAC3.7 with VBL power supply as it provides tons of refined upper-end detail but still with plenty of natural tonality, excellent bass, and a deep, holographic soundstage. There’s one available on US Audio Mart now for $2500, which is a good price given it retailed for $6000 and incorporates technology from their upscale Black line.  If it doesn’t work for you, you could likely sell it at little/no loss so a very low-risk option. 

Another good DAC option would be a Schiit Yggdrasil, which is an R2R DAC that I’ve not heard personally but from what I’ve read seems to mesh well with what you’re looking for and can be had new for $2500.  And I believe Schiit May offer a trial period so it’s also a low-risk option. 

Just a few other options for you to research/ponder, and best of luck in your search.
goldenears19 OP
Looking to get the best out of Redbook Cd listening with Dac a d Transport under 5K?

Get a Cambridge CXC transport, for $500 and spend $4.5K on a good discrete R2R Multibit Dac like a used MSB, new Halo Spring or Denafrips Terminator the best way to convert PCM CD Redbook 16/44 24/96 and DXD

Cheers George
thank you all again. I am reading lots reviews and finding out there are so many products out there. Wow!  keep sending me responses! i think the Chord set up the guy is selling is too outdated on the Dac. It is a QBD 76 model and probably older technology. So steering clear there. Now wondering if I should just go with a great 1 piece CD player and great cables like brayeagle talks so highly about his Bryston or the Heggle 1 piece> Not sure I am wanting to go Streaming now! I enjoy hands on with the discs and using tweaks like the olden days with my turntable etc. I just wondered if it was better to go with the two piece setup vs the 1 CD player. besides the streaming capability etc. I want to keep it simple as possible but still have great sound. Last changes I made were over 10 years ago and digital has come a long way. So separate Dac and Transport vs Single CD player. Need to run Ballanced XLR due to only on Pre Amp! Bryston was recommended due to that! Marrantz on RCA! So that is where I am learning a lot all over again! In my 60's so not sure I want to mess with Streaming now! The Bel Canto is something I was looking at also but then what Transport? thank you all again for your help! I have brain injury so it is hard for me to process quickly but I am enjoying hearing your recomendations and thoughts on the subject!
I will toss another dac in there the Benchmark  DAC3 ( various models some with volume control) which is a very neutral dac that doesn't add to the music. I have one and run an inexpensive NAD CD player  and streamer through it to my McIntosh integrated. You have tube components so I  though I would mention this dac as it let's the sound of your tubes do the coloration you're after not the dac. It's  why I like very neutral  dacs. Benchmark has also been making  professional gear for years. I am in my 60's too and streaming isn't really hard to figure out or use.