Ok. I auditioned a lot of speakers today: Spent almost whole day.
Even though persona 5f (no 3f to demo) was visually striking, I felt it was too bright for me. Other than that, the mid and bass were tight and good.
GE reference were visually not satisfying. Sound wise, it did everything good. Nothing to fault on. Very detailed and natural.
Sonus Faber Olympica III: Looked very good. Very soft, mellow: Does not hit on face.
Magico A3: Wow. These are good. Little bright (much less brighter than BW or 3f). But the details, clarity, and sound stage were very good and mesmerizing. Loved this.
I got to listen to KEF reference 3 too: They are somewhat in between BW 802D3 and Magico A3. The bass of KEF reference 3 is "big" and tight. Liked their bass.
Revel Ultima salon2: They are big visually and in sound. It does everything good and big. Could not find anything false on the sound. Looks very muscular does not have that WAF.
There are few variables here: Different set of amp, DAC/Pre-amp, streamers.
As I told you guys, I am not a audiophile and most of it is my amateur listening skills and some subjectivity.
After auditioning, my top choices are:
Revel Ultima salon2 (no WAF: But the sound quality can more than compensate).
Magico A3
Focal sopra N2
Audiosolutions Figaro L.
+/- KEF reference 3.
Even though persona 5f (no 3f to demo) was visually striking, I felt it was too bright for me. Other than that, the mid and bass were tight and good.
GE reference were visually not satisfying. Sound wise, it did everything good. Nothing to fault on. Very detailed and natural.
Sonus Faber Olympica III: Looked very good. Very soft, mellow: Does not hit on face.
Magico A3: Wow. These are good. Little bright (much less brighter than BW or 3f). But the details, clarity, and sound stage were very good and mesmerizing. Loved this.
I got to listen to KEF reference 3 too: They are somewhat in between BW 802D3 and Magico A3. The bass of KEF reference 3 is "big" and tight. Liked their bass.
Revel Ultima salon2: They are big visually and in sound. It does everything good and big. Could not find anything false on the sound. Looks very muscular does not have that WAF.
There are few variables here: Different set of amp, DAC/Pre-amp, streamers.
As I told you guys, I am not a audiophile and most of it is my amateur listening skills and some subjectivity.
After auditioning, my top choices are:
Revel Ultima salon2 (no WAF: But the sound quality can more than compensate).
Magico A3
Focal sopra N2
Audiosolutions Figaro L.
+/- KEF reference 3.