Which one? Paradigm persona 3f, Revel Studio2, Audiosolution Figaro L, Goldenear reference

Guys, I am new here and have been following many topics here. I am like an audio enthusiast (not a audiophile by any means) and just did my 2 channel stereo with B&W 702 S2 with Naim Unity atom: It is also connected to TV via optical cable in living room. They sound very good overall and am happy with it.
Now, I am planning to complete a home theater in basement: I am considering 2 options.
1. Either using my B&W 702 S2 as part of 7.1.4 set up in basement and get a new 2 channel stereo.
2. Keeping the current set up in living room and buy a separate set of speakers in basement for 2 channel stereo for music and L/R for home theater.
I went to audition B&W 802 D3 and 803 D3 at Houston, while I was on business trip. At the same place, I auditioned Audiosolutions Figaro L and XL. Those speakers sound "amazing". The sound stage, bass were excellent. The mid were very good. The highs were not as good as B&W, but very close. I have selected them over B&W 8 series above. I am close to get Figaro L. But, have heard a lot of reviews on paradigm persona 3f, revel studio2 and goldener reference (somewhat within the price range, I am willing to pay). Has anybody had to make decision with similar speakers. Any body with expereince with above speakers ?, especially audiosolutions. I will soon go for audition of paradigm, revel studio2 and f228be. Hard to find a goldenear dealer for audition close to Indianapolis. Is there any other speakers in this price range (10-13), that is worth ?. I did audition Focal soprano N2 and very good overall. Still in the list of probables.
I had auditioned Dynaudio contour 60. Not my taste. 
The dealer I went to audition the Magico A3 also had the Revel f228be (the $10K one). I was asking how it compared to the A3. They were very positive on that speaker but did say the A3 were better at low volumes and that was important to me. 

Like I mentioned earlier my Revel days are in the past but I was just curious about the new line.
You should try to listen to Yamaha NS 5000s.
There might be more impressive sounding speakers around at that price point  [or should I say more hi fi sounding],but I doubt any of them would sound as real , as natural or as complete as the NS5000s.
I have listened to the Revel f226 and f228be, Paradigm Persona 3f's and Aerial Acoustics 6t in my own dedicated theater. I can honestly say you need to check out the Aerial 6t's for a tower or 5t for a bookshelf. They just do so much right. To me they are much better than pretty much all of the speakers mentioned above. Revels I find a little boring and don't image well. Personas on some material are really nice. But can sound bright on most material. Golden Ear ok but not great. Aerial's OMG! They have it all. They sound so real. So 3 dimensional, so musical, such great bass. The drivers are integrated so well. I can't move from my seat when I start listening. And this is coming from someone that got out of the hobby about a year ago because I wasn't satisfied with the music anymore.
About 2 months ago I bought a pair of Revel f226be speakers and thought they were blah and sounded a little unreal in the treble. I started getting worried again. I was trying to get back into it. Then I came across a good deal on my Aerial 6t's I hooked them up and immediately couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was in total bliss. Every song that came on sounded more musical, better, deeper, higher,real. REAL is the best part of it. Everything sounds not like it's forced out of the speakers. It's as if they are just conveying exactly what they should. And leaving out what shouldn't be in the music,ie; distortion, noise cabinet noises, diffraction. 

So I really suggest you give them a listen. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

P.s I have also heard the sopra and Kanta2 Legacy whisper and one other Legacy, Magico A3 not at my house though. But I just figured I would throw it out there. Please, you might just love them the way I do. I will never need another speaker. I am done on my journey. No speakers do so much this well and don't cost a ton of money. Of course you might not like them. I haven't ever heard anyone say they don't like how they sound. But you really do owe it to yourself to at least give them a shot.

Sorry for the long post,
AXPONA is even better if you're on the hunt for something specific. You'll find many unexpected surprises, some disappointment of high expectations, and some discoveries of new products.  You can spend 5-10 minutes a room on day one, then spend some extended time on day two with the three or five that made the best initial impression.

I noticed the vendors trumpeting their tweeter technology made sure you heard it. Might impress on some carefully selected cuts, but there's a lot of mediocre recordings that will set your teeth on edge with hot tweeters.

I liked the GE,  did not like the Revel, and made an unexpected discovery.
While they are not what I like in a speaker, there is a store in Grand Rapids Michigan, Bekins.  They have a pair of 3f's and are throwing in the center channel if that is of interest to you.  I have no affiliation with them.