Need advice: repair CAL CL25--or buy new/used CDP?

My CAL CL25 CD/DVD/96/24 player is "on the fritz". CD's which always played perfectly suddenly stop in the middle of a track.....or I load a CD & the readout says "no disc", or some other indecipherable message. This has been a GREAT CD player, plus played DVD movies, & 96/24 discs by Chesky. However, I don't know where to get it repaired (Boston area), & I heard that CAL was bought out by another company.

So I'm thinking of just getting another CDP, but am getting wary of buying used Digital w/no warranty. I've always liked Meridian, but I'm pretty sure the warranties aren't transferable. Maybe Cary? Or ARC? Don't know if the warranties are transferable on those, but at least the companies would be around to fix their products even if I had to pay.

Lastly, I do use the CAL occasionally to play movies, so if there are any DVD players out there that are also great CDP's, I'd like to know. And, my budget is maybe $1000--$1700, more or less.

Any advice on getting the CAL fixed, or getting a new/used CDP, would be greatly appreciated!

thanks, Steve

Have you tried cleaning the lens? I don't think you should give up on this player if you like it. Call Goodwin's Highend in Waltham, they are a CAL dealer. If you do give up on the CAL, the Sony 9000es is a dvd player with good cd quality and does sacd as well.
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CAL has great customer service, give them a call. My guess is also that the lens is dirty. It could be a cheap fix. Also I think the CAL is a great CD player, it's only slightly more grainy than my much more expensive seperates. If your primary desire is you want a different DVD player (and I don't think it is) then I would fix the 25 and sell it. Otherwise, try a good lens cleaning and hopefully your problem is solved. It's a great CDP fo rthe money, just wish mine played CDRs. Good luck,
