Neotech NC-P313 vs. Furutech FI-28 Plugs

I am going to be constructing a power cable and wanted some advice. I had Wattgate standard power connectors on my power cable and they didn't sound too good. I upgraded them with cheap Sonarquest pure copper plugs (at least that's what they say they are), and the positive effect of these plugs was instant and profound! 

Having the Sonarquest plugs make such a HUGE positive difference, I was wondering if upgrading to a Neotech or Furutech would be worthwhile, since they are better made than the $11 Sonarquest plugs? I am trying to decide between these 2 models of plug. I ALSO, wanted to know if the FI-28 is the same as the FI-46, but with a different body?

If anyone can help me with this, who has tried any of these plugs, that would be great!
Funny you mentioned the Xhadow XLR. I actually bought them after buying the cheap plugs from AliExpress. The cheap plugs were EIZZ. There is also another legitimate company that makes screw type XLR Plugs- ETI. The Xhadow XLR are really amazing! I was worried about the silver plating, because it has a tendency to sound bright and strident, but much to my amazement, they did not sound that way. 

One of the reasons I got the Sonarquest plugs, was that it was unplated, and therefore removed that variable from the equation. As I said before, they sound amazing. I am also surprised that a power plug can make that much of a difference, and I am even more surprised hearing people say that the PLATING on a power plug makes a difference! However, I do believe it, because I have heard it myself, after being very skeptical. The Sonarquest plugs were an experiment to see if I heard a difference between power plugs, and at $11/each, if I didn't hear a difference, it's not like I threw away a ton of money. 
A long time ago I compared the Xhadow silver plated XLR to Furutech gold-plated XLR.  The Xhadow was okay, but it had sort of a phasing effect to the sound.  The Furutech gold on the other hand sounded so natural and organic.  It is warmer sounding, of course, and softens the highs.  If you are using Xhadow in your interconnects, it's possible that the Neotech gold may be the best pairing.  It's up to you.
So.. I ended up splurging and getting the FI-46 and boy was it expensive, but boy does it ever sound good! I was not expecting much.
Nice!   Be aware that the sound could possibly get very painful to listen to during the break in.  Just be patient.  250-300 hours.
Yes, the sound has softened up considerably. I have had the equipment on 24/7 since Friday. It started off kind of bright and thin.