Magnepan MG 20 help and recommendations

I will appologize in advance for being a bit long winded, but should give some background to my questions. Recently purchased two pair of Magnepan speakers from a charitible orginatization that received them and other audio gear from the estate of a local audiophile. They are model MG 20 (not 20.1) and model 1.4 Both sets of speakers were in their original boxes with packing, but due to circumstances and price I bought them untested and was unsure all parts were present. After a bit of delay, I was able to set up the 1.4 set and they sound wonderful. I appears the stands got seperated and are not present. An audit of contents of the MG 20 show all parts are here as well except the stands. I have not tested these as yet. My questions:

The MG 20 came in several boxes with the tweeters encased in a long well protected tube. They appear to plug into a socket on each speaker but I was looking for advise to avoid "screwing up" during the installation - anything I should be aware of during installation of the tweeters?

Second question: I can call Magnepan to see if stands are still available from the factory, but if cost is prohibitive (Due to Size, I will likely sell one or both of these pairs) do any readers have experience making there own stands and if so, any advise here? (materials, layout, what angle should these set the speakers, etc.)

I know it sounds strange buying these unaware of their completeness but the price was too good - also included a Bryston power amp, Rotel preamp, Denon CD player, and a box full of high end Music Link interconnects and speaker wire so I figured worst case scenario was I would part them out. Anyway, the first set sounded great so I am hoping the larger ones sound great as well.

Let me know if you have any thoughts before I begin the process of hooking up the MG 20s and please forward suggestions as to how to handle the stand situation on both sets. Thanks.
Ag insider logo xs@2xwhyland
One thought would be to check out the Mye Stands for them - way better than the stock stands. Grant is great to work with. Well worth the money IMO. A friend of mine replaced a tweeter ribbon for me in a 20.1. I was not present but it came damaged to me in care of him (I was out of the country). As I recall he did it without problems but cautioned me against over-tightening the screws to avoid stripping the screw holes. Also, I THINK the magnetic strip that protects the ribbon was already on the ribbons and should not be removed until the job is finished. Be sure to put on and remove that magnetic strip slowly and carefully to avoid having it snap back in place and cause internal damage or create undue pressure on the ribbon itself. Remember that the ribbon is not even as thick as a human hair.

Good luck - you should get great enjoyment out of those speakers!

Not to invite jealousy, but it would be interesting to hear more about your good deal.
Before doing anything, go to the source--Call Wendell Diller at Magnepan and ask him your very reasonable and appropriate questions. He will be 'mid-western helpful', which is to say, short and to the point--but helpful.
Advice from anyone other than Magnepan is generally just well intentioned 'talk'.
Good Luck, and congratulations on getting to really fine pairs of Loudspeakers.
