MHDT Orchid or Lampizator Amber 3?

I’m considering one of these. Please share your thoughts, especially if you’ve heard them. I will be streaming 70% and CD’s 30%

Jazz, R&B and classical in that order are my listening habits.

My room is 20x30 and very nice acoustics.

Current system:
Dali Epicon 8, Luxman 509X, PS Audio NuWave DSD, Cambridge CXC, Shunyata interconnects & Nordost speaker cable

Thank you!!!

Would need to know the parts used in the upgraded Orchid. That makes a big difference. Don’t know if apples to apples. Please let us know the output caps used, SR Orange fuse, Zfoil resistors etc... Other parts don’t work as well in sonic areas you and many others find most important. The Vcap combo of Odam and CuTF is a must on the output. Zfoil resistors are also a must.

The Amber 3 must have at least 300 hours of play to hear what it really sounds like. Anything less, then one does not really hear it. Also, the Amber responds wonderfully to an added SR Orange fuse and nice NOS 12au7 from Amperex or Brimar. If just given a short addition with a new(er) Amber the magic is missed and the Amber’s potential unrealized. She needs time and attention to details to sound her best.

Finally, all these dacs are placed in systems, rooms and ears that have a starting sound personality and real sound preferences. No doubt system synergy and preferences play a substantial role with the particular dac one would enjoy the most. Just the way it is in audio as nothing is ever universally accepted as best for all persons in all systems. Audiophile reality.
One last interesting point.  The Amber 3 I now listen to is a completely different sounding dac than the new one I played for 12 straight days 24/7. One would be reviewing or auditioning two different dacs really. Post break in with upgraded fuse and 12au7 the Amber 3 sings with a much different voice.  One needs substantial time and attention to details to hear what this dac is capable of.  I almost gave up, but am glad I did not. Patience paid off this time.  Hard for me to always be patient. 

for those of us keeping score at home, presently in your system, you have a stock Orchid, a stock Amber 3 and the upgraded Tubadour? Then to that trio you inserted temporarily an upgraded Orchid? I just want to understand the sequencing.

On a personal note, thank you for all you do for our hobby.

" Orchid ....just a great sounding DAC at a more affordable price point, that would be great in many less costly systems."

Your recommendation of the Orchid in your Six Moons review did not state or suggest that it would be great in a "less costly system"; it went into your "big system". 
Here's some information regarding the above stated questions:

1) facten- we have done this dance before- if what I wrote in my review or on this thread does not satisfy what you are looking for, that's your problem and not mine.  I believe that what I wrote is pretty clear about my position regarding these different DACs.

2) Grannyring- I believe my friend's mods to the Orchid were very close to yours, and yes it made an improvement, but not to the degree that it was on the same level as the Audio Mirror SE piece.  The Amber 3 had many hundreds of hours on it, so burn-in was not an issue. Also, Bill your statement regarding different gear, subjective taste, different room acoustics, and system synergy is spot on.  Therefore, everyone must try these different pieces to see if they can get what they want in their own systems.  I don't want to start a fight, but sometimes I wonder if it takes hundreds or thousands of hours of break-in/burn-in to get the piece's performance to change for the better, or do we hear it or experience it differently because of our mood/intent over a very lengthy period of time.  Frankly, I have never had a piece of gear that started out sounding lousy, blossom into something superlative much later.  I have had many pieces for review that sounded excellent right out of the crate, and then got better with around 50 to 150 hours of burn-in.

3) ghasley- First thanks for the kind words regarding what I share here and in my reviews. Yes, you got the order correct, regarding the DACs in my home system.