Denon DP3000 DD turntable

Am interested to purchase the player. Its a beauty and very solid but not much information about it on the net.It's a direct drive unit. Anybody have experience with it? Thanks
My experience with a DP-3000 is that its speed regulation was not as tight as on other quartz-locked DD turntables. Also, note that the conical spindle will make it difficult to use with a record weight or clamp.
I've owned many tables, the DP-3000 is rock solid. I have a Denon arm and a Denon low output moving coil with it.
You should go to the website “Vintage knob” for baseline info. I believe the dp3000 was a midrange model in the first of two series of DD turntables made by Denon. The top model was DP6000.  You should check me out on this, but I think that early series did not feature quartz lock referencing for speed control. The idea to use a quartz crystal reference entered  the field sometime in the late 1970s. After that Denon created a whole new series of turntables using double digit alphanumeric code (DP80 is tops among the commercial series; there were much more expensive studio models) that did feature quartz lock for speed reference.The early series and the later series are pretty much identical looking from the outside. In my view however the series that incorporates  quartz referencing for speed control are a bit superior.