MHDT Orchid or Lampizator Amber 3?

I’m considering one of these. Please share your thoughts, especially if you’ve heard them. I will be streaming 70% and CD’s 30%

Jazz, R&B and classical in that order are my listening habits.

My room is 20x30 and very nice acoustics.

Current system:
Dali Epicon 8, Luxman 509X, PS Audio NuWave DSD, Cambridge CXC, Shunyata interconnects & Nordost speaker cable

Thank you!!!

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Yes my Amber is still changing for the better at over 300 hours. Another thing we need to consider is the input we are using.  I know the Amber 3’s USB input is one of its strong suits and possibly the best input to use depending on your server/transport.  Will the coax sound as good? Maybe, or maybe not.  My system is maxed out and tweaked out for superb USB sound. 

Also, DSD recordings do sound better with the Amber 3 and the other two units can’t go there.  No doubt DSD sounds better than the same recording non-DSD in my system.  The Amber 3 lets me hear those sonic benefits while the others don’t.  I have a lot of DSD recordings. 

Finally, I use a no gain preamp that benefits from the added drive of the Amber over the other two dacs.   This is where system synergy really influences my system and preferences. 

The Orchid can be taken  to new sonic heights with rightly chosen parts in key positions. One needs to know those exact resistor positions and exact values.  The output caps must be Vcap Odam 2.2uf and Vcap CuTF .01 uf bypass.  The combo is magic in the Orchid. All fun! 
"Whatever happened to the Lab 12 DAC1?"

@twoleftears  - good question.  The answer is that was a bogus relaunch of a 5-year old product.  Hype and BS.  It seems have sunk back into oblivion.
Come on guys, lay off @teajay the Lab12 dac was well reviewed by @teajay and it was done in an A vs B vs aural memory of other higher end dacs. He stated his opinion and went on the record. He never said “this is the finest dac that will ever be made” he said “this is a fine dac”. He also never said “I’ve heard everything out there and this is it, the chosen one”.

To his great credit, and this can not be overstated, he has tried other gear and isn’t afraid to say “hey, I heard something better”. To me, this is a big deal and gives his impressions on a given item even more credibility. Unlike many who review gear, he isn’t afraid to say he has heard something he likes better. It doesn’t invalidate his prior reviews, it actually provides context and a hierarchy along his review chronology.

@teajay likes the Tubadour that came his way spontaneously and organically through this forum. That’s awesome guys! For those who are certain that all professional reviewers are “on the take” need only visit this thread to discover, on the contrary, we have someone who was open minded and open to the idea of trying something he hadn’t heard, objectively evaluating it and then going on record. Shouldn’t this be celebrated rather than people taking potshots that he didn’t marry the Lab12 for life?

Keep up the great work @teajay , you have alot of fans out here who appreciate what you are doing, how you go about it and most of all, for posting your opinions here and not just in your writings for web-zines. You and I may not always share the same level of appreciation for certain pieces of gear but most on here aren’t looking for someone to guide their purchase decisions, they are looking for another data point to determine if a test drive would be beneficial. To anyone who bought a Lab12 dac based solely on his review, you got a fine dac. If you are disappointed that he was unwilling to cast his affection for the Lab12 in stone there are many more of us out here who are thrilled that there is a “professional reviewer” categorically willing to tell the truth. Even if it means leaving a former love for a new love.

Thanks @teajay !,,