Looking for the Best &10K-20K Retail S/S 250 WPC Or Above Class A/B Amplifier

I listen to a wide spectrum of contemporary music from Jazz, Rock, Blues,Techno, Acoustical, Vocals etc. I play my music from 60-80 on the volume dial of my BHK Signature Preamp from my PS Audio PerfectWave Dac W/Bridge 2 through a pair of Focal Sopra #2 in a 14X12 Treated room.

These are a few S/S I have a owned :

Anthem Integrated 225

Adcom 575SE

Bryston 7BSST2

McIntosh 452

Parasound A21

Parasound JC1

Plinius SA-250


Very well said. I currently have a Audio Research Refrence 160S which I strongly believe is the Finest Tube Amplifier Ever Made! You described  it to the T.

"It has to do with dynamic expression and micro dynamic expression as tied to linearity of devices. Tubes inherently have it and the only solid state devise that is linear"

I was curious as what is the best of the best in s/s class A/B only due to the heat class A  and tube amps deliver and my curiosity.

Thanks again.

Vitus ri 101.

having owned its class a brother, vitus sia 025; all i
can say is wow!
Vitus is a good suggestion. My vote would be selling the BHK pre and going with a darTZeel CTH-8550 Mk2.

- Colin

disclaimer: I’m a darTZeel dealer in Nashville, TN
If I was buying an amp in the 10-20 range I would listen hard to the Luxman m-900u. It has plenty of mojo with sonics I doubt can be exceeded in your price range. In addition the construction is at the very top of the industry. A beauty. Second choice would be the new Dag progression integrated amp. I haven’t heard it but I expect it to be killer. 18k list

Hi blumartini, can you audition Simaudio? The 860a v2 retailing at $18k has replaced all their upper end stereo amps. I have not heard it but can vouch for the 870a - magnificent.