What amplifier should I get with Mag 3.6?

What preamp would you suggest as well. Thanks. Laurence
Not knowing what you want to spend, maybe take a look in the forums and see what other members are using with theirs.
maggies love power there are a number of good amps out there. I`m in the process of buying the 3.6 and untill the buget allow I`II be using my David Hafler Trans Nova P7000 which is 500wpc @ 4 0hms. I will eventually purchase the Audio Research D400 200wpc @ 8ohms which is the perfect am for me and my ARC LS22 preamp,ARC CD3 Player. My P7000 Hafler will always be around as my back up.
maggies love power there are a number of good amps out there. I`m in the process of buying the 3.6 and untill the the buget allow I`II be using my David Hafler Trans Nova P7000 which is 500wpc @ 4 0hms. I will eventually purchase the Audio Research D400 200wpc @ 8ohms which is the perfect am for me and my ARC LS22 preamp,ARC CD3 Player. My P7000 Hafler will always be around as my back up.
I would like to spend less than $1,500 used for an amp. And would really like thoughts on a pre-amp that would work with your recommendation. I have an old PS Audio 4.6 pre-amp from 1988 in excellent condition. Any experience with that? Thanks. Laurence
I've heard Magnepan's with a Marsh A400 and it sounded pretty good. The A400 should be available well under your price threshold. I think Marsh is a very underrated brand.

On the high end of your price range, it's relatively rare but you might find an Innersound ESL 300 that is designed for planar and electrostat speakers. Or perhaps one of the older high-powered Musical Fidelity amps might work.
