Old Rockers never die, they just get more wrinkly?

Check out Keith Richards.... Lol.

Seriously to the topic in hand.

I am like many here I suspect in that I grew up listening to 60,s & 70,s rock music.
For me being in England it was bands like Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Uriah Heep, Iron Maiden, Pink Floyd yada yada yada, you get the picture.

Now I have embraced streaming and via this medium I have found much new to me music that I thoroughly enjoy but......

Can't shake them roots!

Nothing is guaranteed to put a huge silly grin on my face quicker than cranking out the old rocker tunes.

Like last night, streaming some jazz fusion which was ok but then clicked on Outsider by Uriah Heep.

Oh yes, feet were shuffling, hands were twitching and ready to break out the old air guitar!

So what REALLY moves you?
As always Eric, your depth ,breadth and passion for the music leaves me in awe and humbled!
Deeply appreciated my friend!

As to old Rockers, Welshman Dace Edmunds understands Rock ’n Roll as few do. A listen to his incredible 1970 re-imagining of the old Smiley Lewis Blues "I Hear You Knocking" will explain it all.

Lots of Rockers think the music is about the release of energy (a prime example being The Who’s butchering of "Summertime Blues" and "Shakin’ All Over". Daltry’s hoary vocals are unbearable.). Dave’s "IHYK" displays how if you first create an almost unbearable degree of tension, it’s release is much more, ahem, satisfying.

The "Moral Majority" whites in the 1950’s South understood how sexual the new music was, and didn’t want their children listening to no vulgar n*gg*r music. Elvis has been accused of "appropriating" (stealing) black music, which is an over-simplification. His five Sun singles (which witnessed the creation of Rockabilly) had a Blues on one side, a Hillbilly on the other. That was the other reason early Rock ’n’ Roll was banned: it encouraged, promoted even, integration.

The Dave Edmunds Band live in the 1980’s was the best Rock ’n’ Roll I’ve ever seen and heard. Even better than Rockpile, and that’s really saying something. And yes, I saw The Who with Keith Moon live. Twice. And Hendrix. And Cream. And The Stones. And The Dead. And The damn Beatles.

Head East, Never Been Any Reason Save my life I'm going down for the last tiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmme!
It’s Miller Time!
Well a pastiche anyways.😁😁

There I was in good old blighty just knowing we were still the center of the known universe and absolutely the Pinnacle of the musicverse!

We had at the time a weekly rag called NME ( New Musical Express) and one day it had an article all about the new Musical gods from Canada namely Rush, Styx, Mahogany Rush and Lee Aaron.

I was intrigued as they really pushed these guys ( and gal) so what’s a boy to do when you live in a backwater village with just 1200 people.
I mean record stores were all in the big city of Derby, a 2 hour bus ride away.
Heck we still had real live practicing witches covens in the woods! Seriously Google Derbyshire witches.
So off to the big city I went and ordered both 2112 and The Grand Illusion and nearly collapsed at the prices as he had to import them specially.
3 weeks later I had them in my sweaty grasp and rushed to the college stereo ( better than my humble affair) and plonked down 2112.

Life has never been the same since.......