best phono stage under 10k

I am looking for a phono preamp I have a radio antenna behind my house (I have had problems with the radio signal and noise with phono -tubes) so I am determined to go in search of a solid state, I am inclined to the warm sound, any recommendations?
Another vote for the Herron phono stage. It’s not’s dead on neutral but with wide open sonics. To attain the slightest touch of warmth, but while maintaining air, detail, and image, I use NOS Mullard 7308s in my VAC linestage.
I’m happy with my musical surroundings phenomena 11+ at only 800 bucks, oh but I also have the linear power supply to go with it, so another 700 bucks. So for 1500 I’m happy. Tons of adjustability and it’s Herb’s reference phono stage. I like and trust Herb as he has yet to steer me wrong. Goes great with the Hana cartridges. To me, this is expensive enough. At some point you gotta stop upgrading. I'm done....I honestly do not think you necessarily have to spend thousands to get great quality sound. I'd rather buy more records. 
I would try a Pass Labs XP27 or XP17, depending on where you really want to be budgetwise (close to $5k or close to $10K).  I would talk to Reno HiFi and pick the one that you think will most closely meet your needs.  They allow for a 30 day trial period, where you just pay the postage if you don't keep the unit.  That seems like a pretty reasonable deal to me.  I got my XP15 from Reno HiFi a couple of years ago and could not be happier with the service or the product.  Happy listening.
Greetings from Canada. Have you tried the Icon Audio UK handmade (no circuit board) tube phono stage? We are the authorized distributor of Icon and ship pre-paid to all locations in Canada and United States. We have sold many Icon Audio PS3 and PS1 MM/MC phono stages and have experienced no problem with radio signal noise. In testing many solid state and other tube phono stage products we have never experienced a better sounding product then the Icon Audio. With a two piece design both models are particularly silent. You can order one unit for trail and if not 100% thrilled return same for refund and/or upgrade. Best regards from Warren at Audioarcan.