Which Amplifier for Sonus Faber Olympica 3 Speaker

I own a pair of SF Olympica 3 speakers and have narrowed my choices to 2 amplifiers. My tastes lean toward the warmer richer side of the fence. The Hegel 300 or 1 of the LFD amplifiers. On 1 hand the LFD is lower power but quite balanced. The Hegel is approximately the same price but has 250 wats of power plus a built-in DAC. My speakers rquire some power at 90DB efficient but its a 4 ohm load. I have heard the Hegel but with Magico speakers. It sounded good with nice detail and never tipped over the edge. The LFD is playing on my speakers now but drawing comparisons is difficult given different speakers. Any thoughts re these 2 amplifiers is most welcome.
Responding to an old post, but what the heck, I'd love to hear what other's have experienced.  I purchased a pair of SF Olympica III in the fall as the price had fallen through the floor having been replaced by the Nova.  I was not convinced in the tonal difference, that the $11K I paid for the Olympica III's, whereas two months earlier they were $19K, were somehow less than the $18K current model, Olympica III Nova.  I ended up pairing them first, with a Moon 600iV2, and then though their 100% buy back program, with their 700iV2.  Neither of these amps is suffering in any regard with respect to driving these speakers.  At 4 ohms, the 700iV2 puts out 350 watts per side, more than enough to drive the 3-4 ohm Olympica III's.  I'm interested in what the OP found out, and anyone else who was after similar info.
McIntosh 462 or 611. I have been auditioning these amps mated to Olympia Nova III speakers and the sound fabulous. 
I used a Rogue Audio Stereo 100 amp for the Olympics III with tremendous success.  I fed the Stereo 100 with the Rogue Audio RP-7 also extremely good. I compared this pair at my local dealer with the McIntosh and I liked the Rogue sound better-- more neutral and articulate than the Macs.  No issue driving the speakers. 
Recently I traded the OIympicas for Sonus Faber Amati Traditions.  Still enjoying the Stereo 100s.  I listen to classical and jazz, no rock and that may make a difference.
A bit late to this thread but using Devialet 220 Pro CI with great results on Olympica IIIs.
Anyone driving Olympica iii with a Lyngdorf TDAI integrated Amp?  I have that amp and thinking about a used pair of Olympica’s