Thiel 3.6 to Eggleston Andras II

Has anyone actually made this move? I have owned the Thiels for over 10 years and love the transparency, dynamics, and truth in timbre. Looking for more dynamics with Rock and classic I on the right path? Thanks for any insight!
I like the Andras. I have never cared much for the Thiels but it's been quite a long time since I've heard them.
I've not made the move, nor do I have Andras, but next smaller size - Fontaines (exact same top three drivers, just no woofer). About them I can assure you they very capably reproduce truthful timbre with transparency like no other speaker I've heard. I cannot comment on their dynamics other than I am satisfied with them running tubes.
Unsound I have definitely thought about 7.2's and spent a lot of time with 3.7'es a couple of years ago...almost bought them.

looking for something a little different and the Andra's have peaked my interest and sound like they might offer a more interesting midrange, smoother highs, and possibly deeper bass when driven with high power SS. I will keep my Thiels however since they have kept me happy for many years.

Thanks Rwwear and rockadanny for your insight!