Dear friends:I really need your helpwith first hand experiences with speaker crossover capacitors founded in next main experiences/tested premises: for a 3-way speaker design, high resolution audio systems, very low distortion audio systems, wide systems frequency range, " zero trade-offs ".

I know that the best capacitor is NO-capacitor, well I need your near to that full experiences with another desired premises from you: audio systems using SS electronics and mainly listening MUSIC through digital sources.

All your opinions/help are appreciated.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
Looking forward to the report.  I have my MKP10s on hand for my tweeter crossovers, just have to find a time to install.  Will get around to it in the next week or two...
Dear friends:  Today I will finish the V-caps/Wima changes that in the Levinso's is not a so easy task like with tube electronics.

So I will try  to make the evaluations this week-end.

Dear friends: As I said before I had not high expectations changing the Wima FKP-1 instead the V-caps Teflon Cu at the input of my Levinson’s amplifiers.

I have to say that even that I bougth the 10% tolerance model in Wima ( because the 5% was out of stock. ) the capacitance was dead rigth: 0.033 uf with no deviation, in this regards better than the V-caps accuracy.

I had not big expectations if we think that the price of the Teflon Cu is 100.00 each one against 4.00 for the each Wima ! ! and that before this change I made it changes with Wima caps in the speaker crossover mid-range/band-pass/tweeter filters and before these speaker changes my system performed with really good quality performance level and high resolution where the Wima improved by a wide margin that quality performance levels and resolution.

Now, what is happening after I take out the V-caps and solder the FKP-1 in the Levinson’s?:

To say that the FKP-1 outperformed the Tweflon Cu could be a misunderstood because it did not outperformed but just " disappeared/burned " it so easy that it’s hard ( inclusive to me that I was in love with the V-caps. ) not only to believe it but to imagine it but it’s: beats totally the Teflon Cu ! ! ! ? ? !!!!

We have to think that through that input 0.033uf caps goes all the frequency range from around 60hz-80hz, that’s that affects the whole room/system performance levels. Due to that it’s a critical change.

First detected improvement was and is in the mid-bass where overhang or bloated performance gone and now the mid-bass has the tigthness as in live MUSIC ( overall IMD improved/goes lower. ) this made it that the over tones been improved too and that mid-range frequency recieved benefits about as the HF range too. Noise floor continued going lower and lower and the instruments notes are purer than ever. I don’t know how but in each frequiency range gone all " veils " and rigth now I have only MUSIC with out any sign of distracting " artifacts/colorations/distortions " and the like. It’s severely addictive and obviously a way new experiences for me and not only in my system but in any room/systems I listened trhough 40+ years.

I have no words to explain it because all the audiophile top adjectives has no " place " here because maybe you can’t understand it till you could listen for first time in your audio life that kind of system audio experiences.

If you have enough near field live MUSIC experiences what I can tell you is that I never before had that live MUSIC experiences.
The improvements are not in a few areas but in the whole quality and resolution performance levels. It’s a new audio world that I can asure you you just can’t imagine exist any where in a room/system but exist.

This is what I posted after the spekers crossover changes:

" In the Lyn Stanley Potions recording and in the very first track in the first minute ( at the end of that first minute. ) that started the track we can listen a very delicated high frequency strokes in a triangle, very delicated and with the Wima exist a very high definition with a precense so vivid ( not organic. ) that you can’t be in other way but impressed for it. """

Rigth now all those were converted in a crystaline and palpable sound.
I don’t know if you remember what I posted about the Gladiator recording in reference to the swords sound hitting in between with great clarity and rigth now you even can detect almost the angle in that those swords are hitting together is not outstanding but incredible.

Through the listening sessions you can be aware that the Wima caps are or permit that the signal pass through it starigth adding or losting " almost " nothing and I said " almost " because I can’t detect detriment in any way: there is nothing in between the MUSIC and you but MUSIC and only the MUSIC and emotions developed for.

That’s what Wima caps are: pure perfect engeneering with a way high quality excecution to the caps design through several years to be the audio industry true standard.

I consider useless to talk or compare Wima against Duelund, Juipiter, Mundorf, V-caps and the like: just no contest, no other caps I experienced represent a real challenge for Wima. Wima is in a diferent league, for now.

I’m lucky to think " out of the box " that permits me find out the " losted link ".

You don’t have to beleive me you only have to change your Duelunds or what ever caps you have for the inexpensive Wima and listen for your self and after that I invite you to share your experiences with us.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

Next move: speaker woofer crossovers and FKP-1 instead the MKP-10 in the tweeter and band pass crossover filters.

The MKP-10 rigth now are performed excellent but I did not know before that the FKP-1 are for Wima the high end caps for this application. That's why I bougth it for the input Levinson's caps and you already read the success.

Btw, I still own several caps: Duelund, Mundorf, Sonicraft, V-caps, Jantzen, etc, etc,  I have no regret or any compliant for all the money that I already spend for. This was the learning price and I'm now really happy to do it because it's the only true way: " to know ". Now and after so many years I'm where I want it but that never before knew how to achieve/arrive there/here.
