Is there a such too much power for speakers?

How do I know the amp I’m looking to buy is beautifully enough power for my speakers?
what will happen when the power amp is (way) over or too much power for the speakers?
My Local dealer quoted, “there aren’t limits on power amp, (but my budget that is). The more, the better, they added”
Their suggested highest amplifications are in $75k range (my speakers are in $20k range)
Please help.
@erik_squires hi thanks.
i had heard Luxman m900u stereo amp. It wasn’t my cup of tea. I still prefer richness from tube amps. 
If you like VTL then their suggestions are probably very suitable for you. Go with the S-400 if you can afford it (it looked like the S-400 ref II costs about $33k).

I don't think you should worry too much about having too much power but on the other hand it might not play much louder with 200W instead of 120W. Try something at home and see what you think.

If you want to try something else I heard an Absolare integrated that was fantastic. I think it has 150W so it would not be much more powerful but might sound different than your VTL.
There is an old review on the SE version on Tone Audio
He used 15 different amps with them from 35 watt tube monoblocks to 200.5 Pass monoblocks. 
What you asked is a little complicated, if you are considering tubes. Important considerations are things like peak power. Peak power is one way of saying how much headroom you have in an amplifier. If you don't have enough peak power the dynamics of the music will be dull. A tube amp with about 50 watts average power is likely to have sufficient peak power for most speakers. However, I have heard 12 watt amps with sufficient peak power for a speaker of average efficiency.

I would suspect your average power usage for your equipment during a listening session is less than 12 watts and may be closer to 3 or 4 watts at the speakers.

This adds up to the real questions is what is the power supply capable of delivering to the power components? How clean is the power delivered to the power components? A great tube circuit with a terrible power supply will yield a less than desirable amplifier system.

I would suggest quality watts over big power.

Do you want to know more?
One thing that can occur (perhaps rare, but it's there) with a low power amp driving a 'low power' rated driver is 'heat death'.

One out of 4 speakers, driven at a moderate level (nothing ear wrenching) cooking the voice coil.

Being able to physically touch the backside of the magnets on all 4:
3 were warm to the touch, the 4th was literally Hot.

Since this occurred during a 'DIY test', I wasn't totally shattered by this fact, I'd more or less expected something to happen.

In this way, I know where a weak link is, and can address it.

*L*  But I do nasty things to innocent speakers....;)