Is there a such too much power for speakers?

How do I know the amp I’m looking to buy is beautifully enough power for my speakers?
what will happen when the power amp is (way) over or too much power for the speakers?
My Local dealer quoted, “there aren’t limits on power amp, (but my budget that is). The more, the better, they added”
Their suggested highest amplifications are in $75k range (my speakers are in $20k range)
Please help.
+1 @cakyol
+1 @mijostyn

I found a good video on youtube titled," What is Clipping?? Understanding Amplifier Clipping & Clipped Signals".

Though this is pertaining to car audio, the video showing sinusoidal wave forms on an oscilloscope, and what a driver does when it's driven by a clipped sinusoidal wave is a good educational tool.

This information is irrespective of the actual quality of the signal being fed into the loudspeakers. If your salesman had said, "There aren't many limits to the quality and output power of an amplifier that are not addressed by your budget", I'd have to agree.

However, I would say that the amplifier isn't nearly the most significant area on which to divide your budget. Source, loudspeakers and room treatment/design are in my mind more important to the overall sound of a system. Of course, amplifiers, interconnects and power are all important, however how to divide the money you invest seems a little skewed in the price of the amplifier the local dealer is offering you.
Hi all, it’s my update.
It’s been a about month, system being freshly put up in the new room, synergy finally arrived and wow I’m finally satisfied with what I already have, the VTL ST-150, 120wpc. .  Dynamic= check
. Soundstage= check
. Imagine= check
. Disappearance= check
. Inner detail= check
. Tuneful bass= check
. Fullness= check
. PRAT= check
. 3D’s= hmm ok
. Toes tapping= check

When synergy arrived last week, I’m not going to lie, I turned off system and walked away many nights thinking that my ears are being programmed or getting used to the new sound or playing tricks with my brain. But it’s been more than a week with many smiles (and smirk) and satisfactions.... it completes me.
Wow, synergy! Took you that long?
Gotta say. I love you man.

Audire's Julius Siksnius thought that a really strong power supply and 100 watts was sufficient.  Except for a few things I can't afford anyway, I tend to agree, even though I use 4 channels of 125 (250 and 400 into 4 and 2 ohms) wpc Audire amps for my subs and mains.  With the real, four way  Nautilus speakers from B&W, eight channels of 350 watts per channel are necessary.  If I can't have that, I am content to listen and not worry about it, because since I heard it, everything in between my system and the Nautilus system is just a never ending stop gap of frustration, frustration of trying to pretend something is in between.  Of course, I do not count lush, harmonically rich speakers, etc.  because it is not my taste to guess what the musicians and producers wanted, and to buy a system that fulfills that goal for specific recordings for the detriment of others.
I don’t have the scratch to be an ultra-high end user like most of you appear to be, but just received a Musical Paradise MK III. Rated at 6.5 w/ch.
Using B&W DM 630’s. Cost: $360 for the integrated tube amp from a previous one-owner.
At 12 o’clock, that thing could blow out your eardrums. No distortion detected.
Not going to try, either.