Axe to grind know it alls

Recently I have noticed that there are people who apparently enjoy having controversial posts. One in particular stands out. I have no problem with people expressing different opinions but are they doing this just to get attention? They don’t care what the responders to their posts have to say as only their opinion is the correct one and everyone else is wrong unless they agree with the op which is rare.

I have always looked at the Audiogon forums as a resource to get information and exchange ideas . When the post is a one way street, I think it does little if anything to contribute to the forums so going forward I will just ignore their posts.  Anyone else irritated by these posers?

Basically the mods here do NOT peruse the threads often if at all.
Only if a post or thread is reported do they take any action.
Unless a post is blatantly out of bounds like cursing which triggers automated alarm bells back at HQ!
Apart from that this forum is mostly self policed so yes a lot of trolling occurs.
They are called trolls....and as long as folks interact with them, they'll just keep on trolling.  I don't read anything he posts....
I think one of the annoying things is that some of the inflammatory topics could be discused in a productive way.  Take a recent post about speaker companies putting out new designs ever year or so.  Legit Topic but posted in a way that doesn’t lead to an honest discussion or a good jumping off point, but rather made to inflame or push an agenda, that I tend to find rather “anti-audio.”  
There really not much to offer Octogon . Everyone has freakishly good hearing and its more accurate than the next guys, hence all the “upgrading “ spending more and more to one day be happy. Pretty boring .
  Its down to non audible nonsense. Nothing revolutionary .. except maybe swarm . ..  
Hmmm...The major troll that everyone is thinking about but not named has had nothing to say so far...