MSB vs dCS Bartok

Thinking about the MSB Premier vs dCS Bartok in a active ATC speaker rig.

I want to consolidate my system down from a Naim NDS/252 front end. 
So as a one box DAC/streamer/preamp. which should be better ?

+1, @tomic601, I agree the Bricasti DAC should be on your list.

My Bricasti M21 DAC is in my main audio system and it is truly outstanding. It offers both a sigma delta conversion and a ladder DAC. I switched back and forth and decided the ladder DAC sounds the best. I previously owned the Bricasti M1SE DAC and the M21 DAC sounds much better. I was very impressed.  My source is the Aurender N10 Music Server.
rfc OP
MSB vs dCS Bartok

This could be more like R2R Multibit vs Delta Sigma, as the RingDac in the DCS is said to be very much like delta sigma but for a couple of bits of R2R thrown in, much like the Hybrid "advance segment" chips Texas(BB) has out for a while now PCM179** series, as they are the differences you’ll be hearing, as both will have excellent output stages, jitter figures ect ect

BTW My money's on the MSB for the best PCM Redbook 16/44/24/96 or DXD reproduction, but if your doing DSD then you should A/B the two, as some of the Discrete R2R dacs are said to be converting DSD very good also. 

Cheers George
I was just at an audio show. Many rooms used dCS players but mostly Vivaldi and it sounded great.

Another contender that I heard and have heard before is the Kalista Dreamplay Stream. It sounds wonderful.
I had the dCS Bartok home for a demo.
Loved how it sounded, easily beat my Naim NDS into my Naim 252 preamp.

Not so sure about direct into my ATC 40A active speakers. It was good, really good. I needed more time to play with the Bartok settings to find a correct balance. 
Looks like I will make to change to the Bartok, if need be, I will add a preamp latter.