Novice question

New to the website and probably way out of my league but will appreciate any help. I’m 60 years old and was lucky enough when I was young to have my folks give me,over time, a Yamaha CR-1020 receiver/integrated amp, small Advent speakers, and a pretty good Technics turntable. I felt pretty lucky. That rig lasted a long time but I eventually (and probably foolishly) moved on and turned to cheaper/modern stuff when they wore out. I also turned to cds and digital along the way. A couple years ago, probably out of nostalgia, I bought a Yamaha M85 power amp, original large Advents (stacked) and a pretty decent modern Yamaha CD player. I also added an Audioengine B1 Bluetooth player for times when that’s a preference.  A couple questions—for a pre/control amp should I just find a Yamaha C85 or C80? Or would something else be better? I have a Yamaha C-4 but it has issues and will cost about $600 to restore. That’s a lot of money for me. Would that be a smart investment and good match for the M85? Also, my system sounds good to me and I don’t have thousands of dollars to spend but should I go another direction? I’m also using cheap cables and speaker wire—will higher priced cables make a notable difference difference w/the same components? I’m obviously a novice here but appreciate any sincere advice and guidance. Thanks. I enjoy the website and discussions.
Check out the Audiopheliac You Tube Channel.  He recently did a series on inexpensive systems that give true high end sounds starting at $600.00 for a complete system and going up from there.  There is a wealth of information there.  Have fun. 
Don’t bother spending spending money on cables beyond a properly constructed set.  Unless you want to sit there and delude yourself like all these other audiophiles. 
I decided to go w/the simplest route on a preamp since I’m only using a CD player and DAC/Bluetooth as sources. Ordered a passive preamp from Pine Tree Audio. It has two inputs and one output that goes directly to the power amp, a source selector switch, and a volume control knob. Since it’s passive it has/needs no power source.  My thought was that w/no power source or electronic parts the preamp should add little or nothing in the way of excess sound. I’m happy w/the solution and it made more sense to me as opposed to adding an expensive preamp w/features I wouldn’t use.  I’m going to upgrade my cables w/mid-level Audioquests based on their overall good reviews. I’m also considering a pair of used Klipsch Cornwalls so long as I can audition them prior to purchase (and assuming I like how they sound). I’ve actually been very happy w/my Large Advents but am intrigued by what I’ve read about the Cornwalls. I’ll try to let my ears be the judge. Thanks to everyone for the advice and suggestions. I admit my preference for vintage gear—guess it’s a sign of my age and budget.