Help- audiophile husband just dies

Help- audiophile husband just died 

Can anyone recommend a person in the Philadelphia area to come look at my deceased husbands audio collection. Tune amps, headphones, gold cables ... I need to sell and want decent advice. Please email
I don’t really know how to use this forum so email best if ya have any advice. Thank you! Julie

As others have said, you have my sincere condolences. I'm glad help was able to be sent your way.
Call Albert Sportis owner of Precision Audio and Video in Chicago at 773-720-1542 and tell him Larry Edwards from Denver sent you.  He is a large dealer and he might buy all of the equipment and resell it.  He is honest and can offer you some advice.

Sorry to hear the loss of your husband.
Do not sell to a dealer for obvious reasons. I think that other members need to understand that you should treat your late husband's equipment as an investment and should approach selling it as you would any other commodity. I would be more than willing to buy the entire collection but I am going to offer you an amount which allows for a fair degree of profit when I sell the collection. You want to reach enthusiasts that want these items for their personal use not as a vehicle of profit.
Thank you for the advice! Do you have an auction service to contact? I may need to sell quicker than what national exposure would allow for but worth investigating if feasible. Thank you again.

I am sincerely sorry for your loss. My best advice is not to do anything in a hurry. When you feel up to it, record the brands and model numbers for future reference. Take some time to contact some of the people named above. Albert Portis, or Larry Edwards would probably be a good place to start. Although we have no way of knowing what equipment is in your collection, it could be valuable.

Above all, resist the temptation to have well-meaning audiophiles hurry to your home to evaluate what you have. Get a few quotes so that you can decide who, or which method, will bring you the highest return. It may be that the best method will be auction. If possible, try to contact one of you husband's audiophile friends (assuming he had some). Just remember the old adage: Decide in haste, repent at leisure. Best of luck in whatever you decide!