That big magnetic menace under the platter will scramble the coils of any cartridge.
Sent Back the Pro-ject Turntable: What would be the best option in the $1800 range?
The SP 10 is just expensive beautifully made junk. SP-10 was made in 1969, I am talking about SP-10 mkII from the mid 70’s and SP-10 MKIII as the reference Technics standard in the 80’s and until now unbeatable. All 3 turntables are different, i would not mention first SP-10 at all, but SP-10 mk2 and mk3 are superb Direct Drive turntables. Anyway they are not affordable for the OP. With his budget i would recommend only SP-20 (very rare model) from the whole SP series. If i will ever buy Technics again it will be SP-10 mkIII or new SP-10R. Get yourself an Techdas Air Force 1 Improved. Now that is a real turntable. Of course if you can’t afford it then get a SOTA Cosmos Vacuum which will get you 95% of the way there at a very reasonable price. Your choice of tonearm. I recommend the SAT arm or you could find an old Syrinx PU 3 and get 95% of the way there. I am not looking for turntable, at the moment i have two Victor TT-101, two Luxman PD-444 and one Denon DP-80. I think i’m done with turntables. I am not crazy to buy SAT tonearm or anything at that price, my collection of tonearms is pretty big at the moment. Some of the best vintage tonearms are here, so i’m fine. Techdas turntable and related ugly looking modern audio gear makes me sick (sorry). Maybe it’s a good turntable, i have no idea, this design is not acceptable for me even for free. I posted many times that personally i’m tired of SL1200 whatever, but it is only because i have SL1210 mk2 since the mid 90’s. But reading audiogon i quickly realized that some people never ever touched Technics SL1200 mk2 and any next model including modern G, GAE or GR. Comparing Direct Drive like SL1200G to belt drive turntable is a joke! It is really apples and oranges. My advice to try new Technics and make a comments after some experience with those decks. This is really next level of turntables compared to belt drive toys like ProJect and many more expensive turntables too. My favorite turntable is Luxman PD-444 |
I’m partial to the Thorens TD-309 which has won many awards. I have an entry TD203 w/ Ortofon 2m Blue that impresses me, so the TD 309 would be my next move if, that is if I didn’t enjoy the 203 so much.®-td-309.html Or the newly released TD1600, a modern reissue of the TD160®-td-1600-en.html |
Perhaps your needs can be best met in the used market: mine were. I bought a very, very nice VPI HW-19 Mk 2 for $500 from a local audiophile: in fact, it was cosmetically and functionally perfect. Of course, it did not have a tonearm or cartridge but the turntable itself will last many years and it yields more than satisfactory performance. The HW-19 series can be easily upgraded with gratifying results. There are many other options too. Check in the classified section of this forum and elsewhere and check archived reviews. |