some help with speaker placement/purchase

I'm hoping to buy some new speakers. I'm most likely considering stand speakers or possibly compact floor standing speakers ($5-$15k). Without getting into the weeds, I have two possible rooms for listening, and the most likely room has limited/compromised space for speakers: in front of a big bank of windows. I can set them up about 2.5' off the windows/wall but not more than that. 

I've had speakers that need room to breathe (e.g., Magnepan) and I know my room isn't ideal. If I use that room, I'll have to consider some "room treatment" (curtains!) and maybe pull them out, away from the wall/windows, for serious listening. Or I may just use the other room, which would give me more space to work with and no window problems but would be less ideal for a few reasons; or I may decided that, given my space, it's not worth buying high-end speakers at all.

So here's my question. Other than a home audition, is there a good way to know whether a speaker is forgiving about placement? Are certain speaker brands known to be more forgiving about the space behind them? Would one size (stand or floor) be inherently better? And specifically: would a ported speaker in general be worse/better or does it just depend entirely on the speaker/room? (I'm intentionally not naming the speakers I plan to audition--I don't want to go down the speaker-recommendation rabbit hole at the moment--but I can name names if it helps; I'm trying to ask a general question here.)

I would appreciate any thought about purchasing speakers that might end up in front of a bank of windows. As always, thank you to this great forum for all the advice!
Set up on the long axis of the Space and your reward will be Soundstage.
A favorable dimension Ratio is 2:1 LxW. Example 30’ x 15’.
Dutch and Dutch would be an example of a well integrated Loudspeaker.

Check out Virtual System by se7en:
Thank you. I've never heard of Dutch and Dutch. Interesting. I'll do some research!

Let me use the picture in that link as an example as those speakers are backed up to a wall of glass. How compromised are more familiar speakers in that placement (Harbeth, Devore, Joseph Audio, Sonus Faber, Vandersteen)? Are ported speakers worse or better with their backs close to a (glass) wall? Or am I just imagining that speakers like some space around them? (My Maggies did but maybe stand/box speakers aren't as fussy as I thought?)

Glass is extremely reflective ( in terms of coefficient) no absorption also resonant.
A sealed (acoustic suspension) design might integrate easier but the radiation pattern of a speaker is predominant.
I just prefer Sound with Sealed.
You are on the mark about fussy placement with Maggs again pattern.
Your question has more to do with room modes which relate to overall
dimension with parallel an perpendicular surfaces ...