Cassette: A Documentary Mixtape

If you get a chance watch this:  Cassette: A Documentary Mix-tape

Brought back a lot of memories.  I grew up in the cassette era and made hundreds of mix-tapes and recorded lots of full albums.  I still have several quality cassette decks and lots of blank and recorded tapes.  Don't listen as much to them anymore, but from time to time will load one into a machine.

It was never about the quality for me, it was about the hands on, custom nature of what I wanted to make.  It was uniquely mine.

It is streaming on Amazon Prime for free and is also on cable TV.
Nice. Thanks for posting. 

I still have cassettes, and record LPs on my Nakamichi cassette deck to play in the car. But I'm an old fart, so what do I know?

Two old farts together then Frank!
Have two Nak decks, 660zx and zx7.
And about 600 tapes.... lol
And still recording on them to this day, usually something I have streamed that I liked but maybe not enough to buy on vinyl.
TDK SA are my weapons of choice in the tape world!
^^^ Cool. :-)

Just a heads up for you cassetters ... check out the thrift stores for tapes. They sell for around twenty-five cents. You can pick up the really high-end Maxell and TDK tapes and just erase them with the bulk tape erasers and you're good to go. It is also fun to hear what the previous owners taped onto them. Believe it or not, there are people out there in the world who listen to some really terrible music, recorded off of some really terrible equipment.*lol*
