IMHO: you cannot do this alone - you need at least * one helper *...
Start by setting up by mathematical equilaterial GOLDEN TRIANGLE FORMULA, based on "The Spot" you plan to listen from. ACTUALLY MEASURE IT OUT TO START
Position speakers where you think they should be - from back and side walls
"Toe-In" - stand behind speaker and 'aim it' at that spot (mirror image, both with the same angle toward the listener. MARK IN CHALK AS #1
Play a 30-60 second repeat of sound (music, whatever) you are more than familiar with: repeat 3-4 times - with a good 5second in between plays.YOU LISTEN AND ONLY YOU LISTEN. WRITE DOWN YOUR INITIAL IMPRESSIONS...
Have your "helper" adjust each speaker (obviously do with both speakers) out away from the direct line you started from, in about 1/4" increments. MARK ON THE FLOOR/CARPET/WHATEVER in chalk #2... Repeat the listening repetition and WRITE DOWN YOUR IMPRESSIONS ( BIGGER WIDER DEEPER SOUNDSTAGE; MORE FORCEFUL BASS; LESS FOCUS OF VOCAL; LESS REAL: WHATEVER YOU ACTUALLY HEAR)
Repeat above procedure moving speakers more away from initial position...
The most important caveat for any initial listening experiences are: IS YOUR EQUIPMENT AND ALL CABLES AND CORDS BROKEN IN ?
Start by setting up by mathematical equilaterial GOLDEN TRIANGLE FORMULA, based on "The Spot" you plan to listen from. ACTUALLY MEASURE IT OUT TO START
Position speakers where you think they should be - from back and side walls
"Toe-In" - stand behind speaker and 'aim it' at that spot (mirror image, both with the same angle toward the listener. MARK IN CHALK AS #1
Play a 30-60 second repeat of sound (music, whatever) you are more than familiar with: repeat 3-4 times - with a good 5second in between plays.YOU LISTEN AND ONLY YOU LISTEN. WRITE DOWN YOUR INITIAL IMPRESSIONS...
Have your "helper" adjust each speaker (obviously do with both speakers) out away from the direct line you started from, in about 1/4" increments. MARK ON THE FLOOR/CARPET/WHATEVER in chalk #2... Repeat the listening repetition and WRITE DOWN YOUR IMPRESSIONS ( BIGGER WIDER DEEPER SOUNDSTAGE; MORE FORCEFUL BASS; LESS FOCUS OF VOCAL; LESS REAL: WHATEVER YOU ACTUALLY HEAR)
Repeat above procedure moving speakers more away from initial position...
The most important caveat for any initial listening experiences are: IS YOUR EQUIPMENT AND ALL CABLES AND CORDS BROKEN IN ?