Any one try the new Synergistic Research BLUE UEF Duplex receptacle?

Looking for comparsons to other high quality outlets.
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What is that? Like 500 words of pointlessness? The point of the Orange is the sound. What is wrong with audiophiles?

How about, instead of reading NEC try reading whostolethebatmobile? That’s what I did, and just ordered some f0.Q thick and thin for my turntable, speakers, and other stuff. Which I will be applying with such utter disregard for NEC you can’t even begin to imagine.
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Respectfully, I think you miss the point. I speak for myself but I don't care much about the why, why, why.. Thing is, I f***** don't know how they achieve a better/different/worse sound with different outlet. All I care, as an audiophile, is does it sound better to my ears? Does it synergize well with the rest of my system? One has to step outside own's pre-conceived ideas. You seem to think too much like an electrician; plug one of those and listen for yourself. Then come back report.

It's not because I do not understand the science behind the product that I cannot appreciate its merits. I cannot explain why a cleaner power signal feeding my gear ends up with my gear to sound better. Why is this, I don't know and cannot find an actual answer. But I do appreciate the improved sound though.