Just another Orange fuse thread

I have noticed that since the Orange fuse was introduced, a few threads have as usual popped up but what is bugging me is that they are closed as soon as they are started. Why is so? Is discussing about fuses so controversial that it gets the same outcome when sex, religion and politics are brought up in internet discussions? Is this because of a few rotten apples/trolls that derail the discussions that those threads are closed? If this is the case, that's very sad. Anyone here care to explain?


Most of us here really enjoy listening to music and are here to share and learn anything we can that will help us make the music sound even better. A small but very noisy minority have other priorities. The stories like the people vary but the one thing they all have in common is an inability to listen. They can't hear worth a damn.

Read their posts, you will see. They never compare anything based on how it sounds, unless its to say something meaningless like its better or they like it. Never a word about imaging, sound stage, depth, attack, decay, timbre, tone, or any of the hundreds of things the rest of us use to describe what we're hearing. But they know that's the whole reason we're here, and so they are unbelievably jealous. Jealousy leads to envy and spite and so they joke to relieve the tension in their sorry lives and attack those of us with ears who they see as the reason they have to be so miserable.

I keep trying to tell them listening is a skill. No one has it, we all have to learn, and they can too. But for some its too late. All they will ever do is bash and criticize, insult and demean. Which admittedly are tools of debate. When all you have is a hammer though then everything is a nail. That's another thing they could stand to learn, how to add tools to their tool box. To learn how to learn. 

Fortunately while prolific and noisy they are few in number. One approach is to simply ignore them. As much fun as it is to debate, you will notice they never really do debate. They may talk and pose and pretend as if they want to, but watch, they never really do. So don't get sucked in. Just ignore them. They crave attention. Don't give it to them. Make them earn it. If you engage at all, ask what they have actually done. Because almost always its pure hot air. They have done nothing. Then ask them what differences they hear. Stick with what matters. Ignore the rest.
Miller....right on the money. Guttenberg today is talking about listening as a skill. It took me some time to learn but I wish I had better hearing at this stage in my life.