Higher End DACs

I am looking for a DAC (potentially streamer&DAC) to be paired in a mcintosh system (c1100/611). Its my first foray into digital streaming and I have no need for a CD player.

I see a lot of love for Esoteric, however, most seems to be around their transports? Are they not as renowned for pure digital streaming and/or standalone DACs? I see DCS (for instance) often referenced for standalone DACs - how does Esoteric compare?
@kren0006 really great analogy!

I follow how you laid it out.. So, I gather (lets not quibble about the absolute numbers) Mcintosh would be considered on the warmer side of things - both the preamp and power amp?

I also agree that my speakers are neutral-to-analytical for me.

Given that, I agree a neutral-to-revealing DAC might be the way to go.  I gather from various reviews, etc. that MSB and T+A might be on the warmer side of what we have been talking to here - at least, T+A seems to be regarded that way, maybe not so much MSB.

Would we say MSB/T+A, although maybe a touch warmer and refined than DCS, would not be overly 'soft' with my system?

I recognize only my ears will ultimately decide but would like to think about things a little bit before seeing in practice.

@hgeifman thanks so much for chiming in so extensively!  Part of the issue is I don't have a current digital setup, so not a benchmark in my own system, yet.  I don't really have a dealer around me for most of these brands - and definitely not one that crosses several of them.

So, my plan of attack is to narrow down to 2-3 and see about getting demo/loaner units (shipped out of state if I need to) so that I can try them in my own home/system.  just in terms of logistics/practicalities, I am trying to narrow that first pass a little bit before ultimately letting my own ears decide!


I would be curious on your thoughts on the T+A being overly warm with my components - and also how you view the lack of MQA (not so much the relative merits of the format itself - maybe, lets just assume that some things have an increase in SQ when put thru MQA) in the unit?

also, for everyone, Bartok has been thrown out a couple times subsequent to my identifying what I've currently got...I am curious (if I could swing the incremental cost) if folks think I would have practical improvement in doing a Rossini in my system vs a Bartok (and/or if it would be worth going up to the Rossini for future purposes)?

As it stands right now, I think I would like to try an MSB Premier, DCS Bartok (or Rossini - probably need to decide which one), and something at a bit lesser price point to see if can detect the added bang for the buck (either a Mytek or maybe Luminary's t2)...im really intrigued by the T+A 3100 but the 'politeness' and the MQA still has me worried.
A MSB Discrete with dual discrete power supplies and the ProISL USB module (MSRP ~ $13,500 as configured) would be a fairer comparison to dCS Bartok. The Premier, especially with power base and upgraded clock, will be in a totally different league
OP, right on Mc and BW based on general consensus but I am not familiar with the particular models.  My comments are more illustrative on one simplified way of approaching options. 
 I’d defer on the dac recommendations because I haven’t experience with any of those hi end units. 
Only actual listening sessions BY YOU matter at end of day. 
Good luck 
Hi @ufguy73 (OP): if you are serious on MSB, email Vince Galbo (Vince @ MSBtechnology.com). They have a traveling Demo fleet that you can try at home with no dealer involvement. If you are happy though, you have to purchase through dealers

I have a very strong suspicion you will be very happy even with the Discrete. PM me if you want to discuss further. I have owned over 15 DACs over the past few years 
The thing to consider with DCS is whether you’d also get the Rossini clock. If psychologically you’d never be happy sans clock then that 7.5k has to be considered in the total cost. I’m personally conflicted on the real benefit of the clock. DCS naturally advocates the clock but I definitely don’t believe that a Bartok won’t sound great without one. It would sort of destroy the ‘budget’ nature of the Bartok. ymmv