McIntosh MCD-205 Changer?

Has anyone heard this? It is interesting because the transport is not a carrousel, it is the Music Bank elevator mechanism by Nakamichi. Tellig said that you no longer have to sacrafice convenience for sound quality.

I am also considering using my Adcom carrousel as the transport and buying a high-end DAC. The problem with this solution is that the transport contributes a lot to the sound quality...
Pardon me guys but all I read is how good the MCD205 in your systems. What about sound comparison with CDP in the similar price range? AERO PRIMA 12/192, Wadia 301, Rega Jupiter, Cary 308T etc....

I'd really like to hear from someone who's done an AB comparison. I too am considering the MCD205 but for $2600 are there better sounding units for that same price or less?

I like the 5 disc feature (Nachamichi transport)and the MC build quality and versatile connections.

Any feedback on this would be very much appreciated.

My system: SF line2se, MC402, ML Ascent, Pioneer CLD D604, Audioquest interconnects, Changs Lightspeed CLS6600 conditioner.
The MCD205 is a good player, but it can be beat by others. Last year I compared it with a Rega Jupiter and preferred the Jupiter. The Jupiter was smoother and more musical. The thing I don't like about the MCD205 is that if you want to change a disc you have to stop playing the current CD. With carousel mechanisms you can continue playing a CD while you change out the others.
Budrew, thank you for sharing your AB comparison between the MC205 and Rega Jupiter. So I take it that you got rid of your MCD205? I read your thread posted over a year ago when you just got the 205. Appreciate the info..

I have owned a 205 for a little over 1 year now. I can compare it to the Anthem CD-1 (tubed changer), and the Sony 333 and XA777ES. I have the 205 because I wanted a changer and it can be worked from the same remote as the rest of my MAC gear (MA6900 and MR85). It is a great sounding player - warm, articulate and very musical (I agree with JRD351's description). It is better on redbook than the 333 was and I find it pretty close to the XA777 on redbook (in fact, I would settle by calling them different not placing one over the other). It sounded much better than the Anthem as well.

I used to use my 205 as a transport connected to the MSB platinum plus DAC. Eventually I sold the MSB because I preferred the sound of the 205 by itself over the combo. The MSB did some nice things that the 205 alone did not, but the 205 was just more musical and invovling on its own.

It is a drawback that you have to stop the music to change a disk, but that is the only drawback I can think of as far as an excellent sounding multi-disc player is concerned.

There is one on sale here at audiogon right now for $1800. Good Luck,
The Jupiter is a very different sound than the 205 and I would not say the Jupiter is more musical IMO, but they were playing in different systems.... I seek out musicality above all else and agree with Pardales that the 205 is very musical indeed and looks great. I am glad to hear about the 333 comparison because I want one. I would get the 205 but can't afford it yet. Arthur