Dear friends:I really need your helpwith first hand experiences with speaker crossover capacitors founded in next main experiences/tested premises: for a 3-way speaker design, high resolution audio systems, very low distortion audio systems, wide systems frequency range, " zero trade-offs ".

I know that the best capacitor is NO-capacitor, well I need your near to that full experiences with another desired premises from you: audio systems using SS electronics and mainly listening MUSIC through digital sources.

All your opinions/help are appreciated.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
Dear firends: I was and am thinking why took me so many years to " arrive " with Wima and this is my take about:

if it's true that we are MUSIC lovers before anything else in audio it's true too that we are audiophiles members of the " high-end " and as we are not " normal " audio gentlemans we always are looking for best audio devices to enhance our room/system and obviously to enhance our enjoy when listen/reproduce MUSIC at our places,

So we are " followers " of news discoveries for some one some where or just through marketing ads and magazines reviews or through audio dealers.
Several of tghose " discoveries " are really snake oils but no matters what we have to try it and test if function or not.

Normally that snake oil in the high-end comes along high prices because if the price is low no one of us turn over the head to look at.

From that kind of audiophile attitude came several audio products/boutique products like: fuses, cables, capacitors, anti-vibrational devices, pens for CDs,  to many to name it but you know what I mean.

So my self as a follower never turn out my head to Wima caps even that each time I opened or seen inside electronics always found out those " poor " Wima caps. My way of thinking in the past ( till two weeks ago. ) was  not only that Wima " can't do it " but I really never think on Wima caps I never think to use it instead the very well regarded ( regarded mainly by audiophiles but for reviewers and distributors. Internet is full of how good and its high differences with no boutique caps and that's why we go for it. I don't say sounds bad, I already said and before my Wima discovery that all those boutique caps are colored ones and from those colorations comes the audiophiles adjectives of its " great " performance quality. )  boutique caps. Wima was just out of my mind till now.

There is no return when we use Wima. I don't know if in the future could comes a true challenge for Wima because according my full experiences over 40+ audio years no other caps can " touch " Wima.

Yes, I'm happy with and listening more hours daily my system, as I said it's addictive.

That's Wima true German engeneering that no one audiophile touted never, at least I did not read it.

Enough, I have to come back following  enjoying MUSIC because this is all about.

Dear friends : I know that it's intimidating not only to test the Wima cap´s in your systems but even to make or give a positive opinion on the Wima qualñity level performance.

Well, I left/stop to listen ( on purpose. ) my system ( anlog/digital/radio. ) for more than 7 days now to " liberate " my brain/ears of the Wima sound and the big surprise that showed and this week end with " fresh ears " started to listen sessions and " see " what happens and what happened was a huge confirmation that the rigth road has a new name WIMA and nothing else. I think that we can like it or not but we can't  cover up the sun with one finger, sooner or later will shines.

Here some of what I listened and some kind of evaluation about, I decided to go with analog because is more tweak than digital ( I listen a little to digital too. ):

Paramita by He Xun Tian ( Wind Music label. ): this is a recording using asian instruments including drums, instruments total unknow for people like me with sounds that we are not accustom too. Percussive instruments ( several ), female voice and chorus and drums:

it's an overwhelming experience of joy, very demanding recording for any system and the Wima makes a wonderful job as no any other caps I tested in the past. Talk with audiophile adjectives could be useless.

The Köhln Concert   Keith Jarrett ( ECM. ): for the first time in my life I listened in a row the 4 concert parts and twice the one part of that concert. It was and is a wonderful  life lesson that wake up in any person feelings of any kind you can imagine or dream.  The mastery and skills of KJ are overwhelming too and we can attest it over all the concert but especially in the last 7-8 minutes of the part one.

M. Davis at the Black Hawk ( CBS. ) : I always like Miles " muted or open "  and in this recording with the great Wynton Kelly in the piano obviously Chambers at the bass and J.Cobs at drums alond Hank Mobley sax.
With his horn open or muted Miles was just sublime but with the Wima  that sublime is " years ahead " anything you can imagine and not only him because in the Hank solos that sax " cry ".

Time Out  D.Brubeck Quartet ( CBS ): ovbiouslly Desmond at sax and Morello on drums EW in the bass.
I know that almost every one  already listened take five or blue rondo a la turk tracks and I know for sure that never listened with that kind of vibrancy and new discovery rythm than now. Desmond was in his " glory " in this LP as Brubeck and Morello.

Dafos  Mikey Hart ( RR. ): a very demanding full recording using a lot of players playing percussive instruments from Brasil, Africa and Indonesia including big big drums.
All the side 2 in the LP is demanding in extreme ( especially at over 95db SPL's ) and I know that in several system we can't hear not only the " melody " but to distinguish with precision each single percussive instruments and very dificult not only for the kigh SPL but because are involved by " dozens " different instruments.
Wima has that capacity because does not adds nothing and let pass trough every nuances, details and the like.

Solti at the Opera ( London: not very good recording but I tested because in the past I listened  an undefinied " sound "  of deep bass babbling as this was an error during the LP recording but it was not an error and is a true " sound " that comes from the subway where the Royal Opera House is seated. With the Wima that babbling takes definition and is at deep bass. It does not happens in continuity through the recording but by pauses like at the begin Side 2 track 1 first 2 minutes of Semiramide Overture ( Rossini. ). Btw, in some RCA reissues by Chesky recordings I had similar experiences.

Montserrat Caballé ( RCA ) : Side 1 Norma by Bellini: Casta Diva  when you hear Montserrat here you want cry of joyness and I mean it. Same happens in the Side 2 Lucrecia Borgia by Donizzeti.

The Montserrat voice is as it's coming from " heaven " was a give to Montserrat a excelse give and a unique give. Her talent is out of this world and a challenge for sopranos as regarded like Sutherland or La Divina M.Callas.
Exist no single instrument so complete, so dramatic, so impressive, so tender, with so huge power, so full of emotions that the Montserrat voice, nothing compares her gives.

The Royal Ballet Gala Performances    Anserment ( RCA. ):  in the Nutcracker Suite the 2 and 4 excerpts ( Dance of the Plum Fairy and Chinise Dance. ) we can note with how much aplomb and delicancy the Celesta and percussive instruments are playing. Not an easy task at the levels that Wima puts it.

@grannyring  no, I don't will try the ODM new caps due that could be useles due that Wima clearly outperformed the V-caps teflon Cu .

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

Gladiator  Original Soundtrack film   ( ORG.) : the achilles heel analog alternative ( same as in tubes alternative. ) are both frequency extremes,specially bass range.

Well, now the analog version of this recording almost even the digital ( CD ) medium at high frequencies and is nearest than ever in its bass range ( mainly deep bass. ) to the CD version and this surprise me an unexpected even that I already knew Wima quality levels.
Btw, normally I like the dialogue with other audiophile
s but I can see that does not exist interest from your part not to test Wima but even to talk about and this thread, unfortunatelly, converted in a monologue. 

I know that if the topic is about Wima caps where you have not lately experiences with then you have not nothing to say about  and this per sè says that ( as me. ) no one looks back/side to these Wima cheap and humble capacitors because as me we almost all are boutique items followers.

I'm extremely happy that I already liberated of that boutique caps stampede where " no one knows why runs but needs to follows running in that direction " because this is what is an stampede and I was there for almost all my audio life in several audiophiles items. Maybe I'm still there with one or two audio items, I have to check and try like with Wima: think again " out of the box ".

Anyway, is up to each one of us.

Dear friends: After all those wonderful Wima caps experiences through the crossover changes in my speakers now I’m really exited because tomorrow I will receive the Wima caps for the bass range crossover.

We will see the Wima behavior in this range and the overall speakers Wima re-caps quality perforfance levels.

Obviously that I will report about.

My experience is polar opposite of yours. Could not remove Wima caps fast enough from all manner of electronics. Strange thing this audio hobby. I find Wima average or middle of the road at best. Go figure. Their lead outs are steel, not even copper. Not good for sound. 

I am happy you love them! The price is certainly right and that is a good thing.