New Santana Album "Africa Speaks"

Santana has a new album out; since it's not quite jazz, and I'm not sure if it's Rock, I'll just throw it up for grabs and see who likes it.

Africa Speaks is inspired by music from the continent of Africa, and has been called a "unique fusion of rock, Latin and jazz". Many of the album's tracks were recorded in one take. The album features vocals from Spanish singer Buika.

Africa Speaks was released on June 7, 2019 by Concord Records and Suretone Records, but this is the first time I've seen it on "you-tube"

Since it has been hard for me to find anything by Santana that I didn't like, I'll refrain from expressing my biased opinion.

What do you think?

Incoherent because, FOR ME, the problems with that Santana recording are not the compression. That is not what makes the music, FOR ME, much less successful than recordings such as “Abraxas”. Sure, it would sound better if it had not been compressed so much....a little. But, it would still lack memorable melodies and the excitement of “Abraxas” which was the result of its place in time. And, it would still have Santana guitar solos which, TO ME, have sounded too similar for quite some time....been there, done that, kind of vibe. I like some of his “musician of the universe” vibe infused music, but I just don’t think that this music works all that well.

The net level of dynamic compression that is the result of listening to an uncompressed recording in most car radio environments and the resulting negative impact on the music are, in my experience, no less than that experienced when listening to a more compressed recording on a high end system. That is not the make or break aspect of the total listening experience for me.

To answer your second question, sorry to answer it with another question: So, are you suggesting that you don’t get the “artist’s message” listening to a great tune while listening on your car radio where the net level of dynamic compression is also high?

The title of the album is "Africa Speaks" and I didn't hear Africa Speak; Buika is Spanish, that's where she was born, and she's speaking Spanish not Swahili.

I still like Santana's guitar, it was varied enough for me; but since it had Africa in the title, the album needed more African hot sauce. Maybe he should have borrowed Blakey's drummers;

Compression for radio is just capitalism at work. So now you are pissed at the very God you pray to ?

some of us actually own compression tools and use them - with a light and deft touch, unless the artist and producer wants the heavy hand. Not normally at a small studio for economics.

also, for the vinyl freaks and RtR fans there  are many forms of compression, so intentional some not.

of course the same cuts at 33 vs 45 sound different- wonder why ?????
And I don’t have a spot in the small chorale mobile rack for a compressor, nor would I want one there.... but there are limits to tape and a killer A2D has far better undistorted dynamic range.